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Guy I am crunching on....


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There is this one guy who comes into my work once in a blue moon. He is such a hottie. But I don't know though. He is so friendly to me and seems to be such an overall nice guy that I would love to just get the balls to ask him if he would like to go do something sometime. Maybe he has bad eyes but he really checks me out and the long glances at one another really makes me think he is into me, but not sure. Another thing, it seems like when he waits for his meal, he gets kinda fijitty. Does not seem like he is interested in anyone else, but who knows. PLEASE help me. Is this guy into me? Maybe he just likes to stare. Who knows. Boy is he such a hottie. Can't stop thinking about him.

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Last week he came in twice and afew weeks ago he came in 3 times a week. But everytime I see him, he is always looking at me. Being very friendly and all. How can you tell if someone is into you? I really can't so this question might sound stupid to most. But it would nice to know if this guy is something into me. PLEASE HELP.

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I'd give him a note with my email on it, and say - "if you ever want to contact me - here =)". That's it!


good luck,


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I'm probably not the best person to be giving advice, after all, I've got some big self-confidence issues of my own which I have posted about in the past.


What I can say though, if it helps, is that in my experience, when I give long lingering looks at a girl then I am definitely interested. Especially if it is accompanied with a smile (particularly a 'proper' smile, y'know, teeth and all). I also believe that if you have noticed it, chances are, you've noticed it for a reason.


Take that with a pinch of salt though. As I say, I'm quite new to all this. If anyone else agrees though...?

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Okay. Today that customer who came in last week that I am talking about in this thread came back to the store today. Anyways, I did not notice him first because I was cashing people out but then when I lifted my head up for some reason I meet his eyes looking right at me. He then put his head down and did not look at me again as I was trying to make eye contact. I did not cash him out, because I would have gotten really nervous for some odd reason. But, does this mean that this guy is not into me, just a shy guy, or there is something there. I know there is not much to base this on, but I really don't know if I should make the move when I see him the next time to ask him out if I get enough curage or what. PLEASE HELP.---SARAH

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i seriously think he's interested in you but shy to make a move. all this non verbal flirting with the eyes is the reason for this conclusion. hell i always like to stare at my friend when she looks down to do something, then asks whats wrong. i say nothing. but i dunno, i think im just sending mixed signals when i do that occasionally, im still not completely sure how i feel about her.

but in your situation it sounds like he's really into you!! i think you should go up to him and ask him if he wants to go out/hang out sometime...thats if you're interested ....

you guys could become good friends also...just go ahead and find out if you guys can eat or hang out afterwork

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