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I can't figure him out!!


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My ex of serveral times and I are speaking again supposedly as friends this time. He has another girlfriend right now, but he signs all of his e-mails LOVE.... We have a heck of a past together... I don't know if he is trying to keep my hanging on(which I have moved on with my life) or if he is trying to start something again. I have always loved him, and I would love to go out and have some fun.. we are meeting at 5:30 today so he can give me my cd back... I am not sure how to approach the subject though... can somebody give me an opinion on this one? I am not sure maybe I am just making something out of nothing.. we talk by e-mail every day...



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I don't think signing an e-mail 'Love' was meant to take literally. I sign most of my friendly correspondence with 'Love'. I think you should look at the content of the e-mails instead of just the signature. Is there anything in them that suggests him wanting more than friendship?



Does he talk about his new girlfriend to you? It sounds like you are interested in getting back together with this guy and may be reading more into this. If his intention is to get back together with you, then you will know soon enough, meanwhile, continue to move on with your life and consider him just a friend.

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Thanks that is what I am doing... some of the contents suggest that he might... no he won't talk about her to me at all... Just that they are not living together and NOT going to get married. He was not signing his e-mails LOVE until I broke up with my last boyfriend a month ago. I guess I will just take your advice and ride it out until this afternoon and find out then!!

I don't think signing an e-mail 'Love' was meant to take literally. I sign most of my friendly correspondence with 'Love'. I think you should look at the content of the e-mails instead of just the signature. Is there anything in them that suggests him wanting more than friendship?


Does he talk about his new girlfriend to you? It sounds like you are interested in getting back together with this guy and may be reading more into this. If his intention is to get back together with you, then you will know soon enough, meanwhile, continue to move on with your life and consider him just a friend.

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I had to respond to this one...


My ex of several times is now the man of my dreams, and we're talking marriage. We too have a heck of a past together. He tried that "I have another girlfriend" on me too during one of our ex times (turns out she was a distraction to get me off his mind -- didn't work). We both tried to keep each other hanging on (for nearly two years) until finally we had to talk it out, work it out, or get out. We opened up to how we felt about each other and decided to get back together and stay that way.


What got me on this one was the appointment you have made to get your CD back. See, I had left CDs at his house and made arrangements to get them back. Once we started talking, we never stopped, and things are definitely a go for us now. We still chuckle whenever we play those CDs.


We (you and I) differ in that I did not move on with my life and did not want to just be friends or hang out or just have fun with him. I wanted us to work things out.


Be careful on this one; I got mixed messages from your posting. Are you sure you don't want to get back together with him? You two need to talk to clear the air. If the flame were out, you wouldn't be worrying about making something out of nothing, would you? Sounds like this meeting could fan the fire. If you just want to go out and have some fun, why not do it with someone new and available (i.e.; no girlfriend)?

again supposedly as friends this time. He has another girlfriend right now, but he signs all of his e-mails LOVE.... We have a heck of a past together... I don't know if he is trying to keep my hanging on(which I have moved on with my life) or if he is trying to start something again. I have always loved him, and I would love to go out and have some fun.. we are meeting at 5:30 today so he can give me my cd back... I am not sure how to approach the subject though... can somebody give me an opinion on this one? I am not sure maybe I am just making something out of nothing.. we talk by e-mail every day... HELP!!
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Thanks Ajay... We had a wonderful time last night and we are going to take a trip to Florida this weekend to talk about things. He was using her as a distraction just the way your man was. I have tried to move on.. but when I saw him last night I knew that I hadn't and he knew that he hadn't either. We are going to take it slow and work through all of it.. you know what CD it was "Titanic" LOL... Thanks for your advice and your story.. maybe mine will have the happy ending that yours did... Have a great Memorial Weekend

Magicklady: I had to respond to this one... My ex of several times is now the man of my dreams, and we're talking marriage. We too have a heck of a past together. He tried that "I have another girlfriend" on me too during one of our ex times (turns out she was a distraction to get me off his mind -- didn't work). We both tried to keep each other hanging on (for nearly two years) until finally we had to talk it out, work it out, or get out. We opened up to how we felt about each other and decided to get back together and stay that way. What got me on this one was the appointment you have made to get your CD back. See, I had left CDs at his house and made arrangements to get them back. Once we started talking, we never stopped, and things are definitely a go for us now. We still chuckle whenever we play those CDs.


We (you and I) differ in that I did not move on with my life and did not want to just be friends or hang out or just have fun with him. I wanted us to work things out. Be careful on this one; I got mixed messages from your posting. Are you sure you don't want to get back together with him? You two need to talk to clear the air. If the flame were out, you wouldn't be worrying about making something out of nothing, would you? Sounds like this meeting could fan the fire. If you just want to go out and have some fun, why not do it with someone new and available (i.e.; no girlfriend)?

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Hey lady, sounds like magick is in your future. I was so happy to read your response (I had a good feeling about this situation), I got goosebumps. It's amazing how just seeing them again can stir up all those wonderful feelings again. You are so right about taking it slow. It took us quite a while to get back on track, we just keep talking and focusing on all the good times we have shared and how good we are together.


You may not be able to forget the bad things, but they will diminish with time. You both will have to work on the forgiveness thing because no matter who did what during your ex phases, you have both hurt each other and been hurt.


I was so afraid our intimacy would suffer because of the infidelity and other "bad" things that took place while we were apart. Even though we were not together, it still hurt both of us because we really wanted to be together. We behaved like children and paid the price. It was hard at first (sorry), but because we are talking and making plans for our future together, it seems that this too has been enhanced (I didn't think it could get any better YIKES!) by the bad things that happened when we were apart (our dark cloud had a platinum lining). I hope you two have fun on your trip; please let me know what happens. I'm smiling with you...

Thanks Ajay... We had a wonderful time last night and we are going to take a trip to Florida this weekend to talk about things. He was using her as a distraction just the way your man was. I have tried to move on.. but when I saw him last night I knew that I hadn't and he knew that he hadn't either. We are going to take it slow and work through all of it.. you know what CD it was "Titanic" LOL... Thanks for your advice and your story.. maybe mine will have the happy ending that yours did... Have a great Memorial Weekend
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This thing actually happens more than you'd think. If you ask me then the guy probably does still feel something for you. Otherwise he wouldn't keep talking to you and dropping the little hints. It doesn't mean he wants to be back with you it is just that he can't loose those old feelings he has. It is his way of keeping things similar to the way they used to be since he is used to being with you. He doesn't want to let go!!

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He is a jerk and I was stupid to believe that anything could still exist between us still... He still has feelings for me all right.. but they have to be on his terms not mine and I am not going to give him that again. So I am moving on... Know any cute single guys.. LOL.. I am just at a stage in my life where I am going to have to be true to myself and not him or anyone else that wants to make me feel guilty for having a life of my own and being independent... Thanks for the response...

This thing actually happens more than you'd think. If you ask me then the guy probably does still feel something for you. Otherwise he wouldn't keep talking to you and dropping the little hints. It doesn't mean he wants to be back with you it is just that he can't loose those old feelings he has. It is his way of keeping things similar to the way they used to be since he is used to being with you. He doesn't want to let go!!
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