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all aboard the "i fancy my mate" rollercoaster

twiggys bird

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:sick: like the rest of u i fancy my friend...

we've known eachother for 3 yrs probably more? when we talk i feel i get signals and we are both aware of us taking a liking to one another? but u cant be sure. it gets complicated... my friends are his friends. im on good terms with his older sister. i fear that if i told him i mite lose him and all the rest of it.


i aint the type of girl who wil hug a friend for no reason. i am distrustful and so is my friend. we are very similar hes a dark horse kinda guy. i see and think alot about him. we dont see each other everyday. but this week sum issues sprang up. he came round 3 days in a row for a "smoke". nothin unusual as with most of my friends. but a convo on t shirts that wud reveal your true feelings came up. i said with an intentional hint "everything wud b so much simpler and things wud b in the open" about my emotions. he responeded in same way. also i got invited to go to norwich with him and our friend Daryll. in the years we have been friends this hasnt happened before.


hes great. we can sit together talk bout things deep meaningful and personal. hes been talking about future plans on travelling together after i told him of my plans to got to a rainforest for conservation work. hes very attractive and i admit is perfect 2me. i didnt have a lot of confidence in past as i 4t "dont bother no chance" i really can say i hated myself for a long time. now im feelin great check 4 urself...




i keep finkin wat if we both really are in the same boat? nothings goin to happen. there was rumour he liked me 2 yrs bak. i remember sitin on bus with annoyin jerks askin me questions about my b/f at time. i didnt kno Ben that well but he threw gum in hair of one of jerks and we cracked up. i was grateful and he knew i was. :love:


so wat do i do if i cant get those emotion T shirts? :confused:

please just put sum imput if u wanna share ur love rollercoaster ride. :p

il read the essay back if uve just read this long bit of writing...

hayzexxxxx :sick:

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Originally posted by twiggys bird

:sick: like the rest of u i fancy my friend...

we've known eachother for 3 yrs probably more? when we talk i feel i get signals and we are both aware of us taking a liking to one another? but u cant be sure. it gets complicated... my friends are his friends. im on good terms with his older sister. i fear that if i told him i mite lose him and all the rest of it.


Are you worried that you'd lose him, or are you worried that your pride would be bruised? Why would anyone object to a friend saying, "hey, I think you're fantastic, and I rather fancy you. Any chance?" The worst he's going to say is, "thanks, I think you're great, but I don't see us that way." On the other hand, he might well say yes!


Your other option is to stay in limbo, wondering if you really are picking up on "signals" and if they mean what you think they mean .... and... nothing will ever happen. Just like, apparently, nothing happened when he liked you two years ago -- according to rumor. Sounds rather frustrating and passive.

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