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What does girl mean by saying she lacks connection with somebody. Please see the scenario below.


What does a girl mean when she says she no longer connects with you? How can a girl connect with you for almost 3 years, then of all sudden say she doesn't. I'm 26, and she's 23. We've been dating since she was almost turning 20. Things were great. In fact, I still think things are ok. She says she loves me, is attracted to me, and sees no major problem with me. I always thought she would be the one I would marry and she knows this. However she says she doesn't connect with me anymore.


In the first two and a half years of our relationship, I could say she had a passion for the two of us, she was also sexually responsive, and kisses seemed to mean a lot to her. Now all of a sudden, making love is boring. She just drifts around me as if I'm not there. Kisses don't last as long and neither does lovemaking. I then talked to her about 4 weeks ago as I thought something was wrong, and she says it's because she doesn't connect with me. She says she loves me, finds me physically attractive, I'm good to her, loves being around me, etc. When I asked her if we are more like lovers or friends, she says she doesn't know. Anyways, much to her resistance, I broke up with her and gave her some space. I told her I'll contact her again in 3 weeks to see where things settle.


Although I won't call myself desperate for this girl, I love her and would want to regain whatever it is she is lacking. She's the emblem of what I want in a woman and think we are good together. Let's just say I have a relatively healthy need for her in my life. Is she trying to tell me something else? I know she's not cheating (based on available evidence and her character).


Also, the last six to 8 months have been quite difficult for her. She also had some personal issues with family as well. I don't know if these have anything to do with the current issue.


What do guys think? I do care a lot for this girl. I want to marry her (she knows this, sorta), but at the same time I have some of my ego and dignity to uphold to a certain degree. I was thinking of contacting her by sending her (at a later time) a hand-written letter about how I feel with a card and flowers.


Sorry I typed a little too much.

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