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How Do You Cope?

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Lately, I've discovered something. When I'm out with friends, I don't drink much at all. But on my own, I drink a lot more. I realized that I don't drink to "enhance social situations" or to feel better, more often than not I drink to not feel bad, or more accurately, to not feel - period. I know the majority of my problem is a very low self-esteem, but I can't afford professional therapy and I don't have anyone that I feel comfortable confiding any of this in. I'm not ready to give up drinking completely, but I don't want to use it as a crutch anymore, either. I want to be able to have a drink again because I want one, not because I need one.


Very simply, for those of you who don't drink, what do you do when you feel like complete s__t? How do you cope?

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Very simply, for those of you who don't drink, what do you do when you feel like complete s__t? How do you cope?
I do drink, but not when I feel I need one. Most I have at one sitting might be two glasses of wine with dinner or two or three beers on a hot afternoon.


But to the point: How do I cope? Lots of ways:


  • I write.
  • Go for a run.\Hang out with my niece and nephews (all under the age of 12 - gawd, they're a riot! Always make me laugh!)
  • Make a fantastic meal.
  • Tinker with my motorcycle or take it for a long ride.
  • Call up friends.
  • Hang out with my neighbor, maybe invite them over for a bbq.

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JB, when I feel like complete crap, I tend to lock it up inside, then pull it out a little at a time, in bite sized pieces that I can handle. Sometimes, I talk out the bite-sized pieces with friends and family. Other times, I spill on LS. Of course, when I spill it on LS, no matter what, the thread always moves from worthwhile where I get something out of it, to something resembling a dog pile. :laugh:

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Hi Johnny.:) Well, When I used to drink and especially towards the end of my drinking days, I was drinking to numb myself from the pain of several aspects of my life. So many things were bothering me and well it was very easy to grab a bottle of chiiled wine and guzzle my sorrorws away. One problem was. 1). Those sorrows wre still there in the morning.. and came along with a bad headache.:laugh: 2). It was not healthy for me. So, I came to the conclusion that this method of coping was not effective and could in the long run become harmful. So, I made the decesion to take a new aprroach to my life. What do I do when I feel bad?


1. I talk about things to a friend, family memember or my therapist.


2. I excercise. Excercise gives you a nice natural seratonin boost.. and I find that very helpful.


3. I create. I'm an Artsy person.. and love to sit and paint or draw.


4. I read. A good book always puts me in a feel good zone.


5. I post here.


So, as you can see there are plenty other routes you can take to deal with how your feeling, instead of filling up a glass of spirts. Feel free to talk to me. I will listen and I understand.:) You can do it!



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