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Hi there!

I must be the newest member here so i tought of a little game we can all play to get to know each other a little.

Name me three things you like and three things you hate. Could be anything.



Me first...

3 things i love:


1-The sound of a spoon stirring coffee in a mug in the morning.

2-The stretching shadows of my window blinds when a car passes on my street at night.

3-Driving in the mountains.


3 things i hate:


1-Waiting in line.

2-Waiting behind someone buying lottery tickets.

3-Loud TV ads when i watch a movie.


Your turn...

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Sleeping in on Saturday mornings and having sex

Travel and having sex

Riding my motorcycle to milady's place and having sex


(Hmmm... starting to see a pattern here)



TV commercials

Poorly-timed traffic lights

Idiot drivers who aren't aware of motorcyclists

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I love:


The smell of a bookstore

Learning something new

Coming home to a clean house


I hate:


People who are rude



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* watching the sun come up over the mountains near my house

* waking up early on Saturday only to realize I don't have to get up :)

* harmless flirting that makes everybody's day




* mean people (truly mean, not just those who occasionally say mean things)

* late night infomercials when I can't sleep

* being late to anything

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Waking up next to my guy and we're both smiling

Sipping coffee on my balcony and watching the shift of colours in the morning

Waking up and it's a beautiful day for diving.. hiking..



People who are rude and obnoxious



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Books, books, and more books

Camping and just generally the outdoors (the beach especially)

Animals of all kinds



People being late to things

People that think they're know-it-alls

Really hot weather (like 90 F and above)

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1. Fresh, strong black coffee

2. Bob Dylan

3. Those endorphin-fuelled moments when you suddenly and inexplicably think 'F*CK YEAH!'



1. People who stop in front of me on crowded streets

2. Ineffective hand driers

3. Hippies/vegetarians/any other group dedicated to making others feel guilty

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  • waking up earlier than the alarm & being able sleep just a bit longer
  • baking fresh pastries for my family on weekends
  • that time of day just as dusk is settling in on the city


  • getting stuck in traffic because people are driving 15 mph UNDER the speed limit
  • being late to work because of the above
  • starting my day like that (which is what happened this morning!)

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1. Waking up on Saturday and not having a thing to do

2. The beach

3. Jamming in my car to my favorite music




1. Anything having to do with customer service

2. Slow drivers in the left lane

3. Anyone who is extremely loud or talks too much

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1. My fiance

2. Going clubbing

3. Sleeping in on Saturday and watching tv with my fiance



1. Slow drivers

2. Getting up at 4:45 am for work

3. Flakey people who blow off plans with you at the last minute

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