Lovelymisa Posted July 29, 2009 Share Posted July 29, 2009 Hi all, my boyfriend of one year and 6 months and I are at the moment in a long distance relationship. We have been doing long distance for 2 months now, and it will continue on for another 6 months before we can permanently live together. That day will be the happiest day of my life Right now however, I cant seem to shake insecurities out of my system. I will start by saying that my boyfriend has never hurt me nor lies to me at all in our relationship. However, my boyfriend is extremely gorgeous and he is a very social person. He has always been this way and it was never a problem when we were next to each other he would take me everywhere with him. Now that we are oceans apart, I can’t help but worry. I am not worried that he will cheat on me, for I know him better than that and I know that if one is to cheat they will cheat even if u are living together. I am not really sure what I worry about but I have my head in the clouds most days when I think about what my bf is doing there without me. Just knowing he’s there without me, and going out with his friends to clubs/bars/parties makes me anxious. Cheating is not a factor because its something i cannot control, but i just get uncomfortable whenever he tells me he has plans coming up this weekend and he wont be able to webcam chat with me or he’s going to go out with buddies and probably will spend the night at their house because he lives an hour away from the main city. I trust him that he will never hurt me, he’s told me that countless times. I just am so jealous that i can’t be next to him. He keeps constant contact with me and we webcam chat everyday except when he has plans to go out with his friends, which is not on a regular basis. Also he has 3 weeks off work coming up so I know he will have plans with his guys and guys night out and such…I doubt he will just be at home all 3 weeks I mean he’s on vacation he’s worked hard all year he deserves to have fun right? I go out too with my girlfriends and he completely understands. He doesn’t feel worry or insecure at all. So what is wrong with me? This situation is normal right? Just because you are in a LDR doesnt mean other person has to stop his life for you until you come back right? When I am back in his arms everything will be back to normal. But for now I feel so nervous and i hate this feeling. And girls, do you have problems or worries when you bf hangs out with his guys and have guys night out ect? Link to post Share on other sites
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