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Need any help i can get


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alright... there is this girl, alot of guys might say shes nothing "special" or "hot" but in my eyes shes the cutest thing i have ever seen. Shes normal, and down to earth not one of those wanna be blonde girly girls. Here comes my dilemma. I have never really talked to her, i made her giggle now and then in classes, even tho i didnt mean to. The jokes were directed at my friends, and she overheard/oversaw them.


I dont goto the same school anymore, i only see her sometimes when i go back to my old school to visit my friends. How would i start up a conversation with her? or get to notice me? Its not as easy as people make it sound, its like going up to a complete stranger. I get butterflies when i see her and look away. Im not really shy, only with this girl! HELP!


anything will help, and appreciated :(

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Hey...have you ever thought that maybe she feels the same way???? You'll never know till you muster up the courage to at least smile at her and see how she responds to you. I imagine it IS HARD for guys to feel like they have to be the one to initiate the conversation. If I really like a guy...I always wait for him to make the first move too. Kind of archaic thinking....but that's just the way it is.



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I know it is so hard when you are attracted to someone and you just can't seem to get the guts to talk to them. It is very hard. With being a women in all, it would be nice to have a guy smile at me. I think that is what you can do first. Maybe possibly tell her that you remembered her in from being in one of your classes and ask her how school is going with her. She seems like the kind of chic who is very shy and probubly does not have alot of guys that show interest in her. So, this is your opportunity to smile at her, say hi what's up? Just anything that will show alittle interest. If you find her to be cute and attractive, go for her man. SEriously, don't miss out on any opportunities. She could be a great girl and the both of you can have so much incommon.


I look at your situation like I should look at mine. This is an opportunity where you have to put your foot forward first to see where this can lead. That is something I need to do as far as this one guy who is interested in me and I am very much so interested in him, or maybe it is all in my head. What I am saying is don't miss out on an opportunity to meet a great person. Do anything possible to get her attention, but start out smiling at her, possibly saying hi, what's up etc. Just something. Hope this helps.

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any ideas how i should approach her? So i dont scare her away or anything?


this sucks, i only have this problem with this girl, i should seriously be more confident. My friends all say im a good looking guy and girls crush on me alot. But i want this one, and it drives me crazy :o


thanks for all your replies, it really helps!

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