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LDRs + PMS = Bad Combo :(

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Oh I try, I really do. It's just that it's 10 times harder when I'm PMSing. So many things that wouldn't really affect or bother me at other times, bother me then. I just have this constant feeling of tension (like how it is if I haven't masturbated for a long time -- sorry, this is the best example I can think of :o) and get irritable and emotional about every stupid thing.


My guy tries his best to understand me but I can tell it takes its toll on him as well, especially with his extremely stressful course. Each 'time of the month' is a bad time for us; it doesn't help that expressing himself isn't the strong point -- this just gets compounded by the distance and my raging hormones. Sometimes I even wonder, 'how many more times of this can he take?'


I do try to deal with it reasonably. I don't go screaming at him or anything... or at least I've only ever done that once in 1+ years. :o But I do need to have my extra needs during that time met as well. So I tell him that I need extra time and affection. But sometimes circumstances just aren't favourable or he just wants to have some time of his own (he barely already has any free time between school, his RL friends and me) once in a while -- not his fault, but I wish it wouldn't have to be during such a bad time!



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But sometimes circumstances just aren't favourable or he just wants to have some time of his own (he barely already has any free time between school, his RL friends and me) once in a while -- not his fault, but I wish it wouldn't have to be during such a bad time!



I completely understand what youre saying here.... I feel like sometimes I can be SOOOO hypersensitive. Like I make mountains out of molehills.... But to be honest, although these emotions are heightened for me during that time of the month... I find that I have been overly sensitive a lot lately.


In these circumstances which you refer too, when things arent favorable towards him giving you extra attention, what do you do?


Does it seem like he makes an actual effort to meet these emotional needs of yours... Because sometimes when I tell my bf that Im feeling neglected... or that I would like to talk to him... I feel like its just in one ear and out the other....

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Oh my gosh. I definitely just laughed out loud when I read that subject title because IT IS SO TRUE!


I just finished that fatal time and, looking back at it in hindsight, I get so embarrassed! I am more prone to be weepy and feeling bad for myself and hypersensitive when my hormones are all nutty. I hate to make up an excuse for my behavior, but I really do believe that PMS makes every little thing seem monumental and sometimes there is just no good way out of it. As hard as I try I am typically a mess around that time and it is usually my LD SO that takes the brunt of it.


Sigh. I guess all we can do is cross our fingers that our men understand not to take us too seriously until the week is up! :D

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I think Mathew just knows when it's coming. Maybe he has it written down on a calendar, because he's always extra sweet. Sometimes it makes me just wanna go "ggrrrr" though because I think maybe I crave a fight. So I watch a action movie instead. :lmao:

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In these circumstances which you refer too, when things arent favorable towards him giving you extra attention, what do you do?


Oh, I only wish I knew what to do. :( That's why I'm posting here. I don't think I've found the answer yet. For the moment what I do is try to balance out my needs and his -- so if he's having an exam or something I will suppress my hormones no matter what even if it means quietly sneaking into the corner to cry.


Does it seem like he makes an actual effort to meet these emotional needs of yours... Because sometimes when I tell my bf that Im feeling neglected... or that I would like to talk to him... I feel like its just in one ear and out the other....


Sometimes they don't acknowledge it or make any extremely sweet gestures -- I know my bf is like that. But when I look at it I can tell he does try, even though the try isn't always perfect. What does your bf do that makes you feel neglected?


Sigh. I guess all we can do is cross our fingers that our men understand not to take us too seriously until the week is up!


alwayslookingup: I really hope so! I've been worrying about it a little actually. As much as we like to tell ourselves and them that we don't mean any of it, things we say or do can still hurt. And sometimes those hurts can be the ones to pull a relationship down. So far so good on my part, since my SO knows that it's mainly biology's fault, but still..


Sometimes it makes me just wanna go "ggrrrr" though because I think maybe I crave a fight. So I watch a action movie instead.

LOL, Rollercoasterr... for some reason during this time of the month I find I have a penchant for soppy romance comedies, chocolates, and going ga-ga over pictures/videos of cute animals instead! :lmao: I prefer the action movies, video games, etc when I'm in a less hormonal mood. :p

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Yeah I do know how this feels. I get DOUBLE the PMS thanks to coming off a birth control that I had a very severe reaction too. Typically, I'll have the pmsy hormones for a week..then period comes..ahhh relief. This month? 2 weeks of the hormones..hardly ANYTHING you could qualify as a period..and oh guess what? I'm still damn emotional. The only thing is, I can't tell if I'm emotional b/c of the hormones, or because I've been having flashbacks. I guess either or. I just started tearing up because I heard him snoring. LOL. I can't help it, I just don't know anyone more precious. Ok, I guess him and my nephew are tied. But that's it.


I know what you mean about craving a fight, I feel like that too, but then when we're fighitng, I'm pouting and weeping cause we fought. LOL.

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