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Husband is bi and very promiscuous.

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For almost 10 years, my husband was away from home a lot, and I rarely knew with whom, or where. A few years ago, I found some bisexual magazines, a vibrator, and cream, in his suitcase. I asked him about them, and he told me he was bisexual. He says he inherited it from his father, and that his sister was, also, bisexual.


I asked him to seek counseling. He said he went to a counselor, which I later found out, was a lie. A year later, he took up with a woman where he works, and went on a holiday with her. My husband denied it, but the other woman told me about it. I recently opened a locked box of his, and found a picture of this woman. There was also a letter from this woman, talking about her longing for my husband, as well as porno videos.


I also knew that at the time he was seeing that woman, he had a thing with a teenage boy.

I also found charge card slips from places that I never knew my husband had been to. He wouldn’t answer my questions truthfully, so I put him out.


But, before he left, he told our eldest child that the issue of bisexuality was only a set-up for me, so I would get everything in a divorce.


I want him to come back home again. he don’t want me. I can’t stand the sight of him. He has to be truthful with me, and give up his bisexual lifestyle. He still refuses to get counseling, so I feel it is better if he stays away. How can I cope with this?

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Originally posted by Samantha

I want him to come back home again. he don’t want me. I can’t stand the sight of him. He has to be truthful with me, and give up his bisexual lifestyle. He still refuses to get counseling, so I feel it is better if he stays away. How can I cope with this?


You want him to come back to you, but you can't stand the sight of him?


Get rid of him. He has cheated on you, disrespected you, and proven that he doesn't love you the way you deserve to be loved. Counseling is not going to change his sexual orientation, and honestly, that is the LEAST of the problems. Even if he were straight - he has been cheating on you! Get Rid Of Him. You are the one who needs some counseling to deal with this and get on with your life. You can NOT force someone to love you or want you. Have some respect for yourself and divorce him and make a good life of your own. Seriously, you need some counseling to deal with this.

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I want him to come back home again. he don’t want me. I can’t stand the sight of him. He has to be truthful with me, and give up his bisexual lifestyle. He still refuses to get counseling, so I feel it is better if he stays away. How can I cope with this?


Good heavens, woman!!! What on earth are you thinking? Do you actually believe a cheat and liar can change - or will? He has kicked you in the gut time and again and you want him home?


I agree with Hokey. Please go see a counsellor. You badly need to find out why you would ever even consider letting this guy have any more to do with you.

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well...well... lol. sounds like she's in love with the bastard.

he cheats on her with a man AND a woman ! I heard about greed but sheesh ! my advice is to dump him and get someone else.

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I am with the other posters ... seek counseling. Your husband will not change his lifestyle for you. Move on, before something serious happens that you cannot get out of, (like disease.)

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