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What am I doing wrong ?

Ashley Capanelli

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Ashley Capanelli

I need help.


I am with a boy who I love very much. Sex is wonderful, for me anyway. his first time was with me. he seems to not like it, though. yet he is very affectionate and caring and loyal. One girl hit on him while i wasnt around and he turned her down, saying he had a girlfriend. As for sex, he always initiates it but doesn't seem to want to be touched when I try to return the favor. I feel like I am letting him down. Although it doesn't seem to be a problem for him, it is really taking a toll on me. I want him to enjoy our sexual experience as much as I do. he talked a little about it once when he had been drinking and said he has never enjoyed sex with anyone. I am also his first girlfriend, but he said he has thought about other girls but just never found one for him.


Can you give me any advice on what I can do different?

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He obviously has some issues to deal with and he'll do that in his own good time. Unless he is willing to open up and communicate with you about the problem, there isn't a whole lot you can do. If he hasn't complained about you letting him down, don't worry about it. And if you are fulfilled, don't give it another thought. But if it c ontinues to bother you significantly, absolutely insist that he talk this out with you.

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Nothing. from what u told me, he's new to love and sex.

probably needs time to adjust. talk to him. be there for him. you're his first. everyone's first time is special. something they supposed to remember and cherish for a lifetime.....i think.

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It sounds to me like he is new to sex and inexperienced. However, him not "enjoying" it shouldn't be a lingering problem. He should get a physical to see if there is any reason (such as a kidney infection or malfunction) which is inhibiting him from getting the full experience of sex. I don't know why he wouldn't want you to touch him though.....normally that isn't the case. In any event, I would encourage him to face the situation and see wht kind of help is appropriate.


I wish I could be of more help.

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his first time was with me....he talked a little about it once when he had been drinking and said he has never enjoyed sex with anyone. I am also his first girlfriend, but he said he has thought about other girls but just never found one for him.


I don't understand...has he had sex with other people besides you?

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