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I have an owie ='[

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The other day after church, someone accidentally slammed my fingers in the church van door. :mad::sick: There was zohmygosh so much blood. Docs said I was lucky my hand wasn't crushed. But now, my fingers are black, blue, purple and swollen like grapes :(:( Pretty much I haven't been able to do anything except post on here. I think I'm going to lose my fingernail, and I'm trying to accept that. I don't like taking pain pills though, any advice on how to stop it from hurting?

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Whimsy, I am always breaking or crushing my fingers and toes. You should take your pain meds, however, to reduce swelling and inflamation and improve flexibility.

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It does hurt, but I live in a not so great area, and I feel better not being doped up on pain medicines. I might have to get it looked at again, because I dont know if its normal for it to still hurt so badly. It just happened on Sunday

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Yes, it will hurt for quite a while, if you don't want to take strong prescription drugs, extra strength tylenol is better than nothing. Time for bed, bye

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For an injury that severe, there's little that will take the pain away other than prescription pain medication. However, ibuprofen (Advil), can take the edge off AND help tame the swelling (I wouldn't mix it with Tylenol, however). Advil did wonders for me when I hurt my back.


Not everyone believes in meditation, but if you are willing, breathing meditation could also help you work through the pain: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090203110514.htm


Perhaps a book or CD for meditation would help you work through it.

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