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terrified of sex with someone new

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Ok so do other people get rediculously nervous having sex with someone new for the first we while? I'm sure they do, I want to sleep with this guy, I'm a bit stressed about it since I think he's probably fantastic in bed - and had a lot of practice haha I'm just rediculously nervous though


to make matters worse I can't just 'wait till I'm confortable' because he leaves the country soon and I know I will kick myself for not having a month of fun with him


Anyone got some strategies to overcome the anxiety?

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If he's leaving or it wasn't meant to be, you have nothing to loose by trying.


Try this: Be honest with him.


Look him in the eye. Be nervous. It's ok. Be yourself. You don't even have to say anything. If he looks in your eyes and sees your heart, he's yours.


If that's not your style try this instead: While talking, ask if he's nervous about his trip (or something else) and get around to the side or back of him and put your hand on his shoulder. While rubbing softly ask him if he'd like a back rub to relieve the tension (go ahead - he won't mind!) For some reason it's easier to ask things you're shy about if you're to the side or behind them; especially if your touching. If he says no, then it wasn't meant to be. Likely he will melt in your touch and he's yours.


Go with confidence that either way it was meant to be.


I've lost before and it make victory that much sweeter. That's the truth. Bitter now is sweeter later.


Be honest with your eyes. You have nothing to loose.

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Kassy, nervousness during the first sexual encounter with a person is normal, and in fact, it's part of the thrill. Why do you think couples start branching out in their sex? Swapping, sex in public, S&M, etc.? Because it's something that's a little out of their normal comfort zone - it makes them nervous. Think of a roller coaster. It can be your favourite coaster, and you may have rode it a thousand times, but which time was the best? The first. Why? Because you were nervous. The rush is half of the fun!


So go for it! Like Pelle said, what do you have to lose?

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Kassy.. don't let nervousness get in the way of your enjoyment with this guy.. come on... I have to admit that I never get nervous the first time... it's a great rush... I especially like the 'getting ready' phase... just before we meet..




What puts you in the mood... a drink (champagne, wine.. martini... whatever)... sexy music (that works for me big time)... getting ready.. putting on sexy lingerie.. perfume... a nice outfit (getting ready can put you in a sexy mood)... candles... whatever puts you in the mood...


Just relax..

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