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I was friends with a guy I worked with for just over two years, he lived near me and we would walk home together (we worked evenings) and would often stand on the street corner talking about every day things. I was in a commited relationship at the time, but did find him attractive and was able to rationalise my feelings for him. He never really said anything that would have made me think he found me attractive, but we had a definate connection of some kind.


The relationship I was in was troubled and although he didnt know the extent of our problems he was always supportive of me, like any good friend would be, regardless of gender.


People at work would talk, and we heard many comments and rumours that people thought that something was going on between us. Our friendship was relaxed and we always had fun together and we kind of never really did anything to dispell the rumours- or to be fair to cause them either. We found it amusing.


Anyway, fast forward to now. He's been away for over a year travelling around the world. We kept in contact via the internet and he'd check in and let me know how he was etc.


My relationship of 14 yrs broke down with my partner officially 7 months ago, I say officially because he was/is an alcoholic and the relationship was dead in the water for a good few years before I actually got the courage to leave.


My friend is now back in our country, We talked online for a few nights into the early hours and some of the conversations got a little innuendo-y. Nothing major, just cheeky jokes- but non of that ever happened before.


Last night he came to see me. It was like he'd never been away, before we knew it it was nearly 2am. We had a great night chatting about his travels, I told him about my drama's with my ex. And we spoke alot about our feelings on dating people.


I was knocked for six at how now I am single I find him really attractive..., or feel able to feel this way. He obviously has loads of friends he wants to see since he's been away but asked what I was doing at the weekend, I said I could arrange a night out with my group of friends and he said that would be cool...but I arent really sure if he actually meant just me and him!


My main problem is, I dont know whether he is attracted to me. I KNOW he thinks of me as a friend. My friends and family all get annoyed at my low self esteem and the fact that someone would have to practically hold a sign up to me to tell me they're attracted to me, and even then I'd wonder if they were just winding me up!.


I suppose I was hoping for some advice in advance of possible signs that someone would be interested. It was always safe before as I was in a relationship and no matter how unhappy it was am not the type to cheat etc. I'm in unknown territory and dont want my own feelings of self doubt to make it impossible for me to see any possible signs.


Thank you kind people...I feel so stupid, I'm 32 and these things STILL baffle me.

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