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Jersey Shortie

but why does the fact that your husband got turned on sporadically imply that he is "not really there for you"?? just because guys have a hair trigger about what starts them thinking about sex does not mean that they are going to continue to think about that woman's image when they are having sex with you!



Doesn't mean that he's not going to thinking about her either. We have no way of knowing. All we have to go by is what we see and what we know of men. He likes porn, he looks at porn, he gets turned on by porn, there are many visually attractive women out there, often with better bodies, men like women, men love looking at attractive sexy women, men often think about sex, men like variety, men like variety in women to "mix it up"....etc etc etc...What is the natural conclusion that is going to be logically drawn here? That HE is , at least sometimes, thinking about other women. And if a man is looking a porn, then goes to have sex with his parter, why SHOULDN'T she think he is thinking aout what turned him on. And why should she be open to him and receptive of sex if he was just off getting turned on by other women? It makes it seem like his real woman is the big laughing butt of a joke. It's humilating that you can't even be the one he is focusing on. That he needs so much othe addtional stimulous.




If you truly believe that "bodily function" sex exists in an entirely different realm than "true depth and gratification" sex, then shouldn't this be more reason that what your guy does for masturbatory and/or "bodily function" purposes should be completely non-threatening?


I am glad you asked this question. I don't think most women have any issue with masturbating. I think the issue is the visuals men are too eager to eat up in the name of masturbating. And the messages that those images convey to men about women that suck. His masturbation is not a threat. But if a man can get turned on by an image of a woman, then don't be surprised that women can have their own reaction to what he is doing because of the woman on screen. We don't know what is going on in a man's head obviously. All we know is that men like porn. Men like women. Men like variety. And a man's desire for variety IS threatening because it's basically goes againt everything one woman is.

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So let me get this straight. After you've railed against porn, comparing it to Nazism, raping babies, underage prostitution, saying how awful the industry is and how awful men are for watching porn and... you watch it as well


Gemini is not Gamine.


There's two whole letters and two numbers different. :)

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