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Love's not blind & you're not stupid...

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Dear Sarah: When I saw you had responded to me I thought "she probably told me to take a hike". I mean, what do I know about your self-esteem or your problems?


I do know, however, what you are going through. I too stayed with someone who I knew was doing drugs; I didn't think he really loved me (even though he said he did); I felt like he ignored me when we were together...


Been there, hated it!!!


Don't say you can not break up with him, because you can if you want to. Obviously you are just not ready to do so at this time. Someday you may look back and wish you handled things differently but, for now, you can only do what you can do.


What you can do is talk to him, tell him how you feel, ask yourself how you feel. Remember, you are in charge of your feelings. Don't expect him or anyone else to make you happy; you will only be disappointed. Take care of yourself and remember YOU come first. You can't love or help anyone else unless you are able to love and help yourself.


Please keep me up to date. I'll be worrying about you (it's my job)... Ajay

i guess love is blind or i am stupid!!!!!!!!!!! i just can not just brake up with him!!!!!!!!!!!
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