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Am I "in-love" with my best friend?

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I need some advice!


I have trouble finding girls for friends. Girls usually do not like me. My experience with girl friends is that they will screw you over in one way or another.


Anyway let me get to the point -- My best friend is a guy. We've been friends for 2 years! However, we have been intimate (less than 10 times). We are hardly ever intimate -- We usually see each other or talk on a regular basis -- sex is hardly in the discussion. Unless we're out on the town and we're trying to find him a chick.


My problem is that I THINK I'm in love with him. Maybe it isn't the "in love" for a exclusive relationship. The reason I'm thinking this way is that when I'm with him that's when I'm comfortable, I'm happy, I'm laughing, I'm safe! I'm me!


I can tell this "best friend" anything. I mean anything! If I make a mistake he never holds it against me. When I need to talk about issues in my life he never tells me what to do - he just listens!!


I've never had a friend that I could trust to tell them anything and actually keep it to themselves. Past friends have repeated "my stuff" to other friends that know me and then everyone knows my feelings or something stupid that I've done.


He knows that "I think I love him" and I know that "I think he loves me" -- But what kind of love is it? I'm afraid that if we "date each other" that I will lose the SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP we have created together. We're buddies, but then again, we're an awesome team together and we never argue. It just seems to me that it's a waste of time for 2 people to get along like we do and not be "TOGETHER"


Any suggestions? -- Mayberry

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how old are you guys? i think age makes a diff-ce in this kind of situation. the older, the easier it is to transition to dating and back to friendship if it doesn't work out.


my 2c,


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