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Friend zone question - short read :) im lying.

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And you can't take flirting as anything more than flirting. Me and my guy friend flirt all the time but he doesn't want to be my boyfriend. In any case a person can feel like for you on a flirty level but still not want to go beyond that. Weather or not you are okay with that determines how the friendship will turn out.

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Any relationship, friend or otherwise, that has someone who tests or has power over the other is not a true relationship.


I've seen alot of advice here, alot of it coming from people who have no right to be giving advice.


Victim? Perpetrator? Why are you labeling these things?


A person who puts their heart on their sleeve and is afraid of getting it hurt is not a victim. They are just someone with strong emotions for someone else.


Running away from a situation shows a lack of maturity. Those who walk away from a relationship where they had unrequited love are not "being strong". You cannot relate a relationship to an alcohol dependancy, the two are completely different.


In the end being yourself, finding someone with whom you enjoy spending time with, and who enjoys spending time with you is what it's all about.


I think the sole factor people put into these situations is that they are rushing into relationships because they feel they NEED to be in a relationship. A relationship is mutual. It is in essence a mutual emotional bank. Friends and lovers both draw from this. How deeply is the only difference. The amount however is finite. You will come across people in your life who will continually withdraw from this emotional bank without depositing any in return. These are what I coin as "emotional vampires".


If you want a true relationship, find someone who you can be a friend for first. People talk about sparks and physical attraction. I know it sounds cliche, but imagine the girl you like 60 pounds heavier, imagine her pregnant, crying with her mascare running. Imagine even her being sick, having to take care of her in bed while a foot is broken, or worse yet, being in the hospital for a heart murmur. Imagine any of those situations: Would you still go out of your way for them?


I know this is long-winded but the point I'm trying to get across is that some of the best relationships are born of true friendships. Try to be a friend first, if you can't like someone WITHOUT thinking of them naked then chances are the relationship wouldn't last beyond a few orgasms anyways.

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