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Can Hysterical Bonding Happen with no infidelity?

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Hi there,


I stumbled upon loveshack today after a friend of mine introduced the term "hysterical bonding" to me. This is a great site, and have read some really interesting perspectives, information, ideas etc.


My question to you all is if hysterical bonding can happen if there is no infidelity, but just if you are in the middle of seperating? I haven't been able to find a scholarly definition of hysterical bonding, so I am hoping someone might be able to answer my question.


Just a little background, I have been in a common law relationship with my partner for 3 1/2 years, we have been together for 4 total. For a variety of reasons, I decided it would be best to move out from each other in the begining of June, he agreed to this arrangement. But because of finances and our lease we weren't able to make this official until the end of July. The last couple of months have been awkward, we have been going back and forth on wether or not to continue to work on the relationship or to just end it. Currently we are still "seeing" each other, since our move we have had physical contact twice, talking on the phone and emailing everyday. Probably more conversation in the last two weeks than in months, also, our sex life before our move did a 180 the week before and after we moved, which is when my friend mentioned phenomenon "hysterical bonding." I am curious if others have experienced a similar situation?


And in the same vein, does this type of bonding help with reconcilliation? Does anyone have any success (or failure) stories?


Look forward to hearing from you!

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