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I thought he was my soulmate, now he has returned to his wife :-(((((((

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Thank you tami chan, I really do enjoy my job. Just sometimes the nature of what I do puts me in a position where I seem to wear my heart on my sleeve in aspects of my personal life. Exemplified in this very situation :-(

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White Flower
All this angst over someone you met a few weeks ago?


Be glad you just met him and he didn't waste too much of your time.

I was thinking the same thing. Be thankful it was only three weeks and not three years.


LadyRN, it appears you fell hard and fell fast. You must really have believed he was your soul-mate to have fallen like this. I pray you forget about him quickly.

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Maybe but I couldn't help how I felt at the time I was with him. He was showing the same feelings for me as I was him. So yes all this angst but I couldn't help my emotions. I feel stupid and foolish enough for falling for this guy after such a short time let alone the fact his has gone back to his marriage and family :-(

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I hate the way I am feeling right now, so sad and low. I wish I had never got involved with this man, I hate the emotions he has stirred up in me. How I could let myself get like this after just 3 short weeks. Why did I get myelf into such a situation? I feel like such an idiot.

I have maintained no contact. I have remained strong. Yet it still hurts. I found today he has finally deleted me from MSN. He has removed his dating profile. He obviously means business.

I know how pathetic I must sound. Such a short fling with a man yet I have allowed myself to get so involved. I wish I could harden up, I wish at times I had no heart as all it ever seems to cause me is grief :-(

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I hate the way I am feeling right now, so sad and low. I wish I had never got involved with this man, I hate the emotions he has stirred up in me. How I could let myself get like this after just 3 short weeks. Why did I get myelf into such a situation? I feel like such an idiot.

I have maintained no contact. I have remained strong. Yet it still hurts. I found today he has finally deleted me from MSN. He has removed his dating profile. He obviously means business.

I know how pathetic I must sound. Such a short fling with a man yet I have allowed myself to get so involved. I wish I could harden up, I wish at times I had no heart as all it ever seems to cause me is grief :-(


You don't sound pathetic, you sound hurt. As I and many other OW's can attest 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years...it doesn't matter. You care for him, he hurt you. But you will get through this and come out stronger and better!

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LadyRN I am so sorry for your pain. I think sometimes , some people ..like your MM have the ability to radar into what another wants and needs in their life and then they become that person for a time...just to use another...They feed the fantasy ....they are dark people who hurt others around them.....you may hurt now but I am glad you lost this dude now...not 10 years from now..finding out he was just acting.....He is a creep....not the person you THOUGHT he was..THAT was your dream being reflected back at you...You deserve better

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I know this from experience in an EA.

It's VERY VERY hard to compete with something that's been going on for 12 years. Even if it's a tough marriage -- there's always a bond..and once a couple has children, that bond becomes even tougher to break -- ESPECIALLY if the MM is essentially a nice person who have feelings and emotions. If they're a sociopath/unfeeling -- then they can usually move on with no troubles -- but who wants that kind of perosn in their life?

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