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"It's in his kiss...OR not...." (thoughts & questions on kissing)

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How important is a guy's kiss? (or, for that matter, a girl's?). For example: the man I'm with now, and have been with for awhile...is just not a good kisser. It's too much tongue, too soon, too...TOO. And what happens is, nothing happens: without a really good kissing session, I'm just not going to get "in the mood." Well, I guess I can...but it's really not as "happening" for me without the really good kissing. Other than that, he and I have great chemistry; in fact, we are best friends. The kissing thing, mind you, NEVER was good, not even when we weren't yet good friends, in the beginning stages. And then there's a guy I'll call Oddfellow--my BF before this one. Oddfellow really was odd, in many ways--neurotic and maybe even psychotic as well. But maaaan, could he kiss! Holy Shamoley! I do not exaggerate when I say that as soon as his lips touched mine....INSTANT happening down there, up there, and everywhere in between. (Needless to say, this led, for me--and him--to really, really great sex). Sadly, Oddfellow wasn't good relationship material for lots of reasons. And we did try to rekindle that relationship, once...mainly for the physical part, I think. It didn't work out. So tell me: how important is the kiss, to any of you? And, if a fellow (or gal) doesn't kiss well...can we train him/her to kiss according to our liking? Have any of you done that?

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i know what you mean about that 'instant happening down there' thing. dangerous stuff i tell ya ! :confused:

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Kiss is extremely important. I've had wonderful kissers, terrible kissers, and in between. The difference speaks for itself.

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I agree that the kissing is utterly important. I would think kissing can be influenced, but I'm not sure about how much a person can be trained or changed. Seems like part of kissing is ingrained, how you naturally, um, just do thing.


However, awesome kissing doesn't necessarily mean awesome sex. Don't know if the reverse is true.

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