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does porn lead to cheating?

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I was just curious about something.. I understand that men are very visual creatures... and if not all, at least half of men will say that all guys look at porn. but does that interest get to men eventually? i was just wondering if a guy looking at porn makes it more likely he will cheat.. thanks!

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it will alleviate the need to cheat? well, what if you take into account that it might make him more curious about all of the "variety" out there? :)

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How would that be any different than walking around the mall, watching TV or reading a magazine?


If he's gonna cheat, he's gonna cheat, porn ain't gonna be an accessory.

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Just another take on the subject- why not solve the question/fear entirely by watching porn together? There is some tasteful "couples" porn out there, which might spice things up, and the guy certainly won't think about looking anywhere else when he has all he wants at home! :-)


That aside, I think looking at porn is a natural thing for lots of guys, so it's unlikely to lead to cheating. It's just a visual thing, which caters to their desires/likes, whatever. Guys are generally different to girls in this area. Of course, if it's an obsession, or something that reaches an unhealthy level, then it may be a concern. Also, if it started to replace sex with their partner at all, that would not be a good sign

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I should add, that while I don't think guys watching porn means there is any kind of problem with the relationship, and I think it's OK if a couple wants to watch a bit of porn together... I too, would probably feel uncomfortable if I came upon a secret porn stash of my boyfriends! If he had any, I'd probably rather he told me, then I would be bothered by it less, because it wouldn't be something hidden and wouldn't seem as threatening.

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if hes gonna cheat, hes gonna cheat.

if he loves you he wont cheat.

if he loves you he might cheat and feel bad for cheating. But he'll find it easier to cheat next time.

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It depends on the amount of time he spends looking at porn and how that affects your intimacy. If your boyfriend occasionally gets an urge to flip through a porn site during your period of the month, maybe that's somewhat understandable. But honestly, I'd be a tad concerned if your boyfriend becomes more interested in porn than he is in you. I don't think porn by itself is always destructive, but it can be if it is used to excess.

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There is normal porn.....which I wouldn't find as anything but good red blooded male entertainment. THEN there is the kind of porn which leads men into being sexual deviants. It it's the first kind.....it's no big deal. If anything....it'll make your sex life rock. If it's the latter kind....then you need to question it.


PS: If I met a man who said he didn't enjoy normal porn.....I'd think he was wierd!!

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