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Best way to approach?

John Johnson

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John Johnson

Hi :)


I met this girl the other day. She's a friend of my friend (not a close friend though). We all went to the movies and hung out. She's not from around here (where I'm from), so there's nothing my friend can do to set something up for us (if I were to tell him to). :p


Anyways we talked a couple of times and interacted with one another, laughed, etc, but it just wasn't enough time to get something going that could turn into a friendship.



She's like 17/18. I am 19. I'm not looking to date her or anything. Just wanted to try to get to know her more I guess because she's really chill, cool, and cute (can I say that without affection? :rolleyes:) Haha. Anyway, I caught her on one of the various social networking sites and was wondering how I could successfully go about hitting her up and getting a conversation going?


I wouldn't want to come off too strong (as if I want her (:laugh:) or as if I am invading her space. It's not like she gave me her number or gave me these details to find her. So what's a good way to break the ice, to message her, and to get her to be interested in responding?

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Just talk to the person like you would anyone else. If you aren't interested in trying to pursue a relationship, then it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

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