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woman trouble

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Hey guys how are you all? This is my first time on this forum so I'll try to keep this as brief as I can. I'm currently in college and I am having trouble with some woman issues. I'm 26 and I've never had a girlfriend and never been kissed. My excuse is lots of family trouble over the years but now I would like to get into the dating game. I'm quite attractive (p.s I'm a late bloomer and I say this with all modesty) and I'm more or less fairly confident.

But when it comes to women I haven't a clue. I have recently noticed a girl in my class always tossing and playing with her hair when she's around me and I also notice her looking in my direction in the corner of my eye. Then when I turn around I catch her and she looks away. She is fairly confident herself and we have had a few chats outside of class with other classmates and she seems nice. She tries to get as close to me as she can in class without giving herself away but the other day she sat beside me and we started talking. Within about 4-5 sentences she brought up the phone number hint.

You see, we are more of a practical class in the college and we all work together before and after college hours sometimes. I was unsure and I scrapped the hint. Perhaps this may look like I'm playing hard to get but I dunno.

But recently, she has been acting very odd. If she is with other classmates before the class begins, and I arrive to class, she says hi or whatever and then leaves the area. Toilet stop or what have you. Then I would go to the actual class and she would be there sitting ready for class. Another girl complimented my recent haircut and then she made it her business to over compliment it. Being the shy type I tried to brush it off confidently doing a supermodel pose and saying...I'm a smooth motha ****a!!! and they both laughed at this.

I asked her for her number at the end of Saturdays class, I cunningly veiled it as a class practice excuse yet she gave it to me no problem. I gave her a text yesterday saying I'd be able to practice on Tuesday at 5pm or so and she said yeah. But today I gave her a text saying that I'd be going in earlier to practice with some other class mates and asked her if she wanted to join us. I did this incase she might feel a bit uncomfortable coming in to practice with just me. But I haven't heard from her since. This is what's bugging me. Thanks for your time.

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She seems to have all those signs of interest towards you. Body language and all. I think she's probably behaving that way because it takes too long for you to notice her and it's making her get frustrated. Or it can be that your timing of having invited her was wrong. Just keep up that effort of giving some excuse to be in her company.

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She is probably disappointed because she may think you are just into her for the study thing. When you se eher Tuesday, pay her a nice compliment. "You look great today"...if she responds well, then ask her out to dinner afterward. Show her you are interested

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Hey again guys, and thanks for the help. I think I messed something up yesterday. The girl I'm after came in looking very well and I feel terrible that Im too shy to say how good she looked in front of other class mates.

I know she was dressing up for me and she got her hair done too. When I spoke to her in class...all I said was "so how did u get on with the study yesterday?" Her pupils were massive and I got excited but controlled myself. She then went to the toilet I think. After class I plucked up the courage and asked was she walking home or was she getting the train. I said this because the day before yesterday, after class, she walked by me hurrily and said "Id talk but I have to get the train". Usually she walks purposely on the opposite side of the street. When I asked her was she walking down or getting the train she responded with "No I'm alright". Me being so new to this dating business I was a little confused with this reaction and I said ok and walked out of the building....with other classmates. I only realised half way down the street that she might have actually meant "Ask me to walk down with you". I tried to make light of this stupidity by giving a text to her when I was on my bus saying "I'm a little slow today!" and I didnt expect a reply. But today I texted her about 4pm and asked was she ready for the exams we are having tomorrow? and I havent received a reply. Is she dissapointed with me for confusing her and leaving her high and dry? Does she feel I am playing with her emotions? I dont want to be assuming anything but I feel every time we see each other the vibes are getting stronger and stronger. I dont want to come across as an arrogant person as shy people sometimes are mistaken for. Any ideas? Thanks again.

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