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dislike my man's study habits

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hes a CS major at a very very very high-esteemed university and i cant take it anymore. his gpa is a 2.4 and his study habits suck. he studies like one or two days before the test and gets c's on his test, some are b's, but mostly c's and d's. he says that he wants better grades, that "hes working his ass off" but i dont see how studying a day or two before the test is working ones ass off.

i fear this projects how he will be when it comes to work. he will say he wants something but when its too late, its too late.

could this mean that?

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Not necessarily. What you should be asking him is if Computer Science is really want he wants to do.


After changing my major a few times and finally finding my calling (Conservation Biology) my grades improved dramatically because I found something I was happy working on and I could envision myself working in that field for the rest of my life. This made me want to do well.


He may feel like he's working his ass off because he doesn't like what he's doing, which makes work feel so much harder.

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