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Help! I feel terrible

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Hi, my ex girlfriend dumped me 8 months ago. She gave me no reasons other than "i love you but I'm not in love with you" I have tried to contact her and talk about this, but I just keep getting runaround answers


I have dated other women. I cant seem to find anyone that is honest with me. I had one woman bring a friend with her on our date without asking. I am starting to think the whole world is dishonest


When we were together, things werent perfect, but I thought things were good. I dont even know where to contact her now, but I have realized 8 months and many dates later, I still love her.


I dont know what to do I feel terrible. I have told her how I feel before, but to no avail. its been a few months since i spoke to her. I am lost, i have never seen her in person since the breakup, just phone, letters, emails. Should I tell her i love her and try to see her face to face? If now, how do can I cope with this? every woman I meet lies, cheats, etc. I miss her so much, I dont know what to do

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No woman wants a man who does not respect her wishes. She has told you by breaking up with you and by avoiding you that she wishes her relationship with you to be over. The more you go after her, the more disrespect you are showing for what you once had and for what she wishes for the two of you now. She wishes for you to go your way...and that she be able to go her way.




You say you can't seem to find a woman that is honest with you. How would you expect to do that if you are going out with them under the pretense that you want to get to know them better when all the while you are wanting to get back with this lady that wants nothing to do with you??? If you're looking for honesty, you must be honest yourself. Very often the people you attract into your life mirror the qualities you possess yourself. Look introspectively into your own self and see if you have been totally honest with yourself and others. If not, START TODAY!!!


I know how terrible and lonely a break up feels. I have been there and through periods of years that it took me to get over someone. It is not a good place to be in. You must have someone to talk to about your feelings but don't burn any one friend's ears off. You need to do things that will make you happy and develop yourself as a better human being.


But especially learn to be considerate and respectful of other people's wishes. If a woamn wants no contact with you, STAY AWAY!!! There is no bigger turn-off to a girl than for a lovesick guy to be after her, to call her, send Email, letters, etc. when she is simply not interested. As a matter of fact, most women get really pissed about it and some even seek court injunctions in extreme cases.


So get yourself together, let this be a growth opportunity for you. Take it from someone whose been in love many times, THERE IS ALWAYS, I MEAN A-L-W-A-Y-S a much better love out there than the one before if you are patient and let it happen.


But when you try to force yourself on someone who doesn't want you around, it makes you look sick and I guarantee they will resent you for all time.


Be kind to yourself and forget this chick!!!

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You have to respect her wishes! I don't believe that you have no idea why she left you. She probably even told you, but it seems that you just do not want to realise that! In reality you already know why she left you and which problems you had in your relationship with her.


And about the point that all women seem to be dishonest:


From my own experience I found out that you always get what you are looking for. You are not really willing to start a new relationship that's probably why you always pick women where you already know deep down that this can not work out! But what do you really expect? I am sure the women you date sense that you are still not over with your ex. I really have to finish up with this part of your life before you can start a new one!


I think in your case there is also a lot of selfpity. You do not really want to get over your ex. You are the hurt one, you are the one that has been done wrong to, you can blame her for the end of your relationship, and you do not have to admit to yourself that you made mistakes too, and that these mistakes probably were the reason why she ended the relationship.


You have to start thinking about what you really wont and you have to start making decisions concerning what you want to do next in your life!

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Obviously if you think every woman lies and cheats you haven't met the right one yet. She is out there and it probably isn't the one that giving you the cold shoulder. You need to accept things for how they really are and understand life will go on without her. You can do better than sitting around waiting for her to come around.

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