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I hope I didn

Ambry Meadows

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Ambry Meadows

My question is this: is she into me and is there room for a second chance?



Okay this may be another typical "is she into me or not" story, but I would really appreciate the feedback and any thoughts that you might have that could ease my mind. Hopefully.


A while back, I met this girl while living out in Chicago for 5 months. This girl was friends with some of my roommates who are now considered some of my closest friends. Anyways, from the moment we were introduced I've always had a thing for her. I never pursued her while in Chicago. Never did simply because she had a boyfriend at the time, which I completely respected. After leaving Chicago and never really showing my interest in this girl I chose to forget about her. I figured, if she's got a boyfriend then there's really no reason to make a fool out of myself, especially if I was about to move out of Chicago back to Seattle. So time passed. And then months later, I decided to revisit my old roommates just to catch up on old times, etc. While there (back in Chicago) for about a week, I saw this girl again at a party that my roommates decided to throw and again I was instantly drawn in. This time I wasn't going to leave without saying that I had a "thing" for her. Well my final days in Chicago came to an end I never did tell her how I felt. I even went as far as to tell my roommate (her friend) that I had a "thing" for her hoping that she might have some advice or anything really that could help me out. It turned out that she was interested as well but just never said anything because of her boyfriend (the same boyfriend from before). But before I left Chicago, I did manage to make a small impression. Enough between the both of us to know we were interested in each other. I left Chicago with hopes of revisiting and this time hoping to seal the deal. I know, should have gotten it off my chest the first time around. Well, about a week ago my old roommates decided to out to Seattle to visit and they were bringing the girl. At first I was thinking, "this will the perfect time for me to tell her how I feel", or "to at least establish a strong connection that could lead to something else later." Well they showed up and I made a connection with her, which was good. Things were going good until we shared our first kiss that she said she couldn't leave without. After this things on my part began to fall apart. She was still with her boyfriend. I still had three more days with her that mainly turned into me not showing her any attention, and not because I didn't want to, but because for some reason I just froze. I didn't know what to say anymore. I just couldn't keep things going like before for some reason. I couldn't understand what was going through her mind about me and about her so I froze, and instead of just having fun and enjoying the moment, I just couldn't. The last few days spent with her were good, but they were empty on my part simply because I didn't know where she stood with us. I simply sat back the last couple days worried that I might smother her if I were to show too much interest or attention, so I didn't and I think I may have ruined my chances at actually pursuing something with this girl.


I was confused and still am and I'm sure she was too with me being intimate one moment and then ignoring her the second.


Are my chances ruined? I really do like this girl, and I think it'll be kind of dumb of me to just up and tell her now that this is how I feel since she still does have a boyfriend. I just know that If I was the person that I was when she first met me, then the outcome would've been entirely different, but I just got too shy and embarrassed that I couldn't let me guard down and because that, I may have changed her mind about me.



If you have advice please let me know.

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It sounds like your feelings for this girl are clouding your rationality...


First of all...this girl still has a boyfriend and is kissing you?! That is horrible! Even if her relationship with the other guy was bad, she is cheating. This is not a good trait to have. I have a feeling you would want to have something serious with her...but would you be able to trust her in a relationship? Think about it. If she was having doubts with your relationship, would she tell you about it or go be "friends" with another guy? Trust me, entering into a relationship thinking you can be her healer and make her communicate will turn out bad.


Second of all...I totally think you deserve the kind of love you are so willing to give this girl! Why are you settling for some slut? I understand, she has a great personality and you guys can chat for hours and the CHEMISTRY...whew! But listen, you can find a girl like that...without a boyfriend...someone who will be more fun than her. You just have to be patient.


Finally, I say move on. There is a reason you have never told her how you feel. Listen to yourself! There is something...whatever it is...that has stopped you before.

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