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Is he cheating on me after 4.5 years?

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Photos of him out at a club. shirt slowly coming off. shady? is he cheating? i don't know what to think. he says he doesn't care and would do it again, that its not a big deal to go out and just have fun with your friends. but in my world, fun has its limits. i'm curious to know what everyone else thinks. he's the one with the red circle over his face. I recently went away to school and our relationship is slightly on the rocks.5660_534916002054_17302688_31853043.jpg">5660_534915987084_17302688_31853040.jpg">5660_534915977104_17302688_31853038.jpg">5660_534915967124_17302688_31853036.jpg">

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If you think about it, he could be fully bear a**ed naked and still not have cheated on you. Those pictures dont really reveal much.


I would haveto agree that fun does have its limits. But if your not comfortable with it your not comfortable with it.


You have a couple choices, You can ask him to perhaps tone it down, or accept it and move on. Its whatever you decide you can live with.


But the pictures dont look overly suspicious in my opinion.

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what you have there is evidence of him having a good time....no cheating or doing anything wrong


I wouldn't worry about it unless your gut is telling you there is more going on

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That's not evidence of him cheating. However, if I was serious about a relationship I wouldn't have my shirt buttoned down and hugging other girls from behind in that way.

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I wouldn't stay with someone who went out like this and did this sort of thing whether he was cheating or not. It seems kind of douchey to me. Not my type at all.

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yeah I would be pissed if I saw my boyfriend doing this,...of course unless I knew them and they knew me and they were mutual friends. I don't think he was cheating on you...at least not in the pictures anyway. But anyone that likes to have girls all over them at the club when they have a girlfriend at home are definitely not respectful and most certainly get themselves into a "opportunity" to cheat if they haven't already.

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