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Re: Why does my husband like porn?

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I really don't understand why your husband is searhing sites on this one particular porn star. It would be so much easier if the question were, "Why is he visiting porn sites?" Most men who do visit porn sites do NOT have their eye on one particular girl to which they are fixated and, instead, enjoy a variety of women on porn sites.


It could be that this one particularly stikes his fancy and turns him on. It could be that his fixation is not healthly and verging on possible stalking behavior.


You need to to to a professional councelor in this field and explain to him/her what your husband is doing, how long you have been married, your lack of sex with him and if it is due to you or him, etc., etc.


You have only been married to this man for 2 years and he is most likely a normal guy with a passion for the lovely ladies of the web. However, it is heard of all to often where this kind of behavior is indicative of a possible underlying pathology which could lead to him possibly fulfilling his fantasies in a more realistic manner ... one that could be unhealthy or dangerous.


You will notice that I say "possibly", "sometimes", "could be", "unlikely" .... I am not an alarmist and truly feel he has a passion for this one girl on the web. But I feel it my duty to warn you of all the other possibilities that MUST be looked into. YOU may possibly suffer the consequences if you do not.


Good luck

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