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Jimmy The Saint

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Jimmy The Saint

I'm 27, and have been out with a new girl about 5 times now. I really, really like her. Shes 27, pretty, level-headed, and mature. Incidentally, she got out of a 4-year relationship three months ago, that she ended. She insists she is over this kid, but there are minor details still for them to work out...they have bills together, etc...but she broke it off with him, and insists she has no feelings for him.


I've taken her out about 5 times, and every time, we have a really good time. I just take her out, and we have fun, but everybody keeps telling me that I need to at least kiss her or else she'll think I'm not interested. The icing on the cake was last night when she told me that her friend asked her if I'd kissed her yet (that told me that she wanted me to kiss her)


I hadnt made a move after FIVE dates, because it just didnt feel right, and because I really just enjoy her company...well last night, I got it SO in my head that I HAD TO KISS HER..(or else she would think I wasnt interested)...that I messed it up-


We had a great time, went out to a few bars, had dinner, a few drinks, and had great conversation...then when it was time to bring her home, I was holding her hand, talking to her...real cool...then I was like 2 blocks from her house, and I started to like (kinda like say "DO IT!!) KISS HER!! to myself...


So I (and I know this is so unsmooth, but I did it nonetheless...) pulled over abruptly and she was like "what are u doing??" I said "Jimmy's gonna kiss Julie,"...she kissed me (it was like a "welcome kiss" but not all that passionate...like maybe she was just trying to be nice...she was weirded out. nonetheless ..

I'm really beating myself up over this...this is a nice girl, and I wish I had been smoother...I left it with her that she would e-mail me today (she didnt)


I figure leave it alone, and maybe she'll get interested again? I hope I didnt mess this up to the point where she doesnt want to see me again...


Am I overreacting? I know I kinda weirded her out, but my intentions were good, and I really like her...what should I do???



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pulled over abruptly and she was like "what are u doing??" I said "Jimmy's gonna kiss Julie,"...


Wow, that is funny I must say, it actually made me laugh and Im not having a good day. Im sorry Jimmy. I here you though, I sometimes say some stupid stuff when Im just starting to know someone. Hopefully this girl will realize that we are all human and a bit clumsy with our words at times. Good luck

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Aww...I feel bad for you. Really, I do. But everyone has some embarrassing moment at one point in your life, and in your case, it was something you said. A while back my boyfriend and I had broken up, and I saw him at a party. He was really nervous and so was I, because we still felt the same way about each other and didn't know how to act. So he walked up to me...and instead of saying "How's it going?" or "How are you doing?", he said, "How's it doing?" It was pretty funny, but I didn't think he was a dork or anything. I just knew that he was uncomfortable. So, basically, what I am saying is there are two things she could be thinking: 1) He's a dork. And 2) He must be really shy and nervous. If she thinks 1, she is obviously not worth your time and has no understanding of people and what they do. If she thinks 2, she could be relieved, because she might be a little nervous as well. Go ahead and email her. Take her out again. And be a little more smooth this time. Maybe bring up the funny situation and make fun of it and tell her you were nervous. Good luck!

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Jimmy -


With luck, she'll understand you were nervous and she'll think it was sweet. She may not have been so much 'wierded out' as she was surprised. I agree with ASDF - next time you talk to her, make a joke of it. Say something like 'am I smooth or what'? and then laugh it off. Good luck!

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Jimmy- I agree with what they said. You should definately bring it up but make sure you do it in a more tactful way. Humor was suggested- I think thats a good idea. Just don't suddenly pull over on the road again on your next date and say "Jimmy needs to explain"....

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Jimmy The Saint

She hasnt e-mailed or called me since this incident. I'm thinking of waiting a few days, and then maybe e-mailing her saying "I feel really bad about the way we left things that night..." or something to that effect


would this work?

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Perhaps you could give her a internet kiss. I have seen them before....you open up your email and theres these big lips and they go smack. Then a message comes on that the sender wrote. You could write something like......."Just because I couldn't find the right way to express my self the other night- Hope you'll give me another try"


Well, thats just off the top of my head. You could write something better but it might just work.

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