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Advice needed for a confused heart


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I got a prob and I'm hoping if anyone can help me out. I have feelings for a close friend of mine. The problem is he with someone.


I'm not sure if he cares for me too. He complains about his girlfriend to me and tells me how he wants to date someone with the same interest he has and that he finds smart women attractive. We share interests to the point its scary. We're both intellectuals too. He buys me gifts all the time and always asks if I want anything when we go places together. Once he stop and buy my an expensive gift. I need advice if he may like.

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It does sound like he is fond of you. He may be waiting for you to show some interest as well. It's time to let him know that if he is ever available, you'd be interested in pursuing a relationship. Say nothing more. Let him act from that point forward. It does look like he may very well want to get something going with you.

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I can totally put myself in your position in this situation. I pretty much know exactly how you feel. I think your best bet is to take action. It sounds like this guy cares about you a lot, and I'm not talking in purely platonic terms. I think the best way to handle this situation is to somehow bring up the subject of dating, and then ask, "Have you ever thought of what it would be like if we dated?" From there, you'll know what to do. Trust me. HAVE SOME GUTS!

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