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Day 2 of NC and already CRAZY!!!

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Well, I sent my H an email yesterday so I could put the ball back in my court after all the other emails I sent to him while I was falling apart. I told him I couldn't be his friend as long as he was with OW. So now I'm on day two of NC and am already going crazy!!! I know I'll get thru this but I hate it!!! He was gone for 6 months last time and I never stopped thinking about him for one second! I gotta get a life!!!! Why does it have to be this way? Why can't I still talk to him and get over him? I told him I was holding on for a very short time and if I didn't hear from him his silence would be my answer. I think I'm going to get the silence. Booohoooo! He did the same thing last time though so I'm still going to have faith. Or, hopefully I'll just get over him! Not a chance!:lmao: I hope this whole MLC thing keeps him crazy so he'll drive OW to kick his butt to the curb again! I know, I need to move on right? But I don't want to!!! I mean geez! Where am I going to find another man that knows how to put the dam* toilet seat down?:D

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If you've been through this once already...time to quit.


Start working on things that you like to do, and things you like about yourself. Forget him.

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Hi, have you read this www.midlifecrisismarriageadvocate.com might help and talks a lot about how you can look after yourself too!


Stick with the NC, it's the best way, I'm 9 weeks NC, so much better than having him hurt me every time we spoke. Mind you, I couldn't care less about him anymore now, there's sadness a bit now but it's no longer frequent, more like the odd flash! I've seen there is better out there, much better! You'll find the more NC, the better and more distant towards him you will feel.

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I know, believe me I do. But I can't help but feel he is still confused (because of his actions). The OW is the same one that he left before with. I was the one that had to finally push him out the door because he wouldn't stop talking to her. Kinda feels like I just gave him to her. Stupid, I know. I still want my marriage to work though. Even so, my goal is to work harder at getting over him than getting him back.

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