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Same mistakes again?

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Hello again ls,

You may remember me from my previous post about a relationship where i slipped into the friendzone by my own doing. Since then that girl and I have had a huge fight and no longer talk. That's the good news.


The Bad news is now I believe I'm remaking all of my mistakes with another girl. This girl is about a year and a half younger than me. We started out strictly as friends because she had a boyfriend. That crashed and burned and I did my best to stay out of the resulting fallout. About a year ago she began to go out with the BIGGEST TOOL i know. I mean its embarrassing how much of a tool he is. As such I gave her a fair warning that it was a bad decision. She still went out with him but two weeks later she broke up with him because she also realized he is the BIGGEST TOOL ever. At that point I could have asked her out but let it go.


Weve stayed in contact shes had a couple boyfriends since. During that time I was still dealing with the girl mentioned in my last post.


As of this summer we have been doing alot of stuff together. We hang out and stuff but I've never asked her out on a real date because I can never get a handle on what she has going on what her status is.


I think i know what you guys are going to say but I suppose I need to hear it for myself.

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Just ask her out on a date. Tell her you like her and are interested in dating her. Don't be too heavy handed though and definitely don't seem desperate. Say things like, you feel there is a connection and you'd be interested in dating her.


I was in a similar situation many years ago and never let the girl know how I really felt. Granted, girls can tell but unless it is actually said then it will eat you up inside. Better to say and get rejected than to torture yourself wondering if/when.


I don't know your level of interest in this girl but just prepare yourself that you might get rejected or date her and find out it's not what you or she wants.

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