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how can i show a new guy how i feel without scaring him?


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hey everybody,


i've been seeing someone for about three or so weeks now. although i do really like him, i get the impression that i'm not doing the best job of showing it. my friends tell me i can be intimidating and that i'm not the easiest person to read. i'd like to show/tell this guy how i feel, but i don't want to come off as a sap or scare him away. i want to be myself but at the same time make my intentions clear.


anyone have any ideas for me?

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Do you want your relationship to become more physical or emotional? or both?

If you want it to become more physical, i would say that you have to actually talk to him about that one, becasue unless he wants to become more physical too just going down on him will scare him if hes not ready. For more emotional, maybe mention things in the future, such as a even that will take place in a couple months, or a year and plan that event as if you two would stiull be together and see how he reacts. It really depends where you want to take things , the best thing i would do would be to talk to him, a relationship is based on communication. Tell him that you know you are hard toread sometimes, but you want to be with him and really like him. It has only been 2 weeks, so dont try to tie him down too quickly, but let him know you are interested and for him not to worry, and you both have fun i the realtionship and it wil grow from there. :)

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HAHA at Goatsbreath. Simple....yet true!


There are other ways to let someone know you are interested and like them....without verbalizing it. Just accepting dates and being happy when they call....is probably a good enough sign this early into the relationship. Sometimes, not spilling your heart too soon....is a good thing in a relationship. You'll know when it's time to reassure the other person.....cause they will ask.

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