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Thought we were just hanging out - did he want it to be a date?

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I recently met a friend of a friend for the first time after talk to him online & texting. We attempted to get together for awhile (he usually suggested concerts and things that he would be attending with friends & asked if I would like to come along), but I was always busy working or had already made plans. He recently asked me if I would like to go see a movie and I said yes, not being clear on whether it was going to be just us or with others. It ended up being just the two of us and I'm not sure if I should feel it was a date or not.


- he insisted on picking me up, even though I live in the opposite direction of the theater and assumed I would be meeting him there

- called when he was almost to my place to ask if he should bring out an umbrella to walk me to his car with (it was raining haha). I thought I'd just go outside when I saw his car, but he came to my door.

- opened doors for me

- got to the booth before me & insisted on paying, even after I offered him money

- saw him looking at me out of the corner of my eye several times during the movie

- afterward, asked if I wanted to get coffee/food/etc. or if I wanted him to take me home - I wasn't hungry or anything but wasn't interested in going home, so we drove/walked around talking for a few hours

- we conversed very well together, laughed constantly, and he suggested a few events coming up that we should attend (actually corrected himself i.e. "I'm going, you should go...er...WE should")

- when he was dropping me off, he didn't seem to know what to say and just looked at me with a warm smile as I told him it was nice meeting him, I had a great time, etc. - he agreed. I initiated one of those awkward, sideways, seated car hugs and left. (lol)

- he waited to make sure I got in my house before pulling away

- the next day, he sent me a text referring to something we were joking about the night before and I told him I would go to one of the events he had mentioned. He seemed happy & asked if I would like to join him to a friend's birthday party beforehand as well.


I'm getting date-like vibes from this, but I don't know what to think - he's more of the shy type. Considering the situation (meeting him for the first time, etc.), how would you take this? Did he want it to be a date, or was he just trying to be nice?

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It definitely sounds like he likes you romantically. At least thats my opinion. How do you feel about him? Would you like to date him? If so then continue to spend time with him and show him you are interested and wait for him to talk about it. If you are not interested in dating him then maybe you should stop spending time with him because if he does like you he may feel as tho you are leading him on.

It all depends on how you feel towards him.

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If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck... well, you know the rest.


Yes, it was a date. Sounds like he's just a little nervous.

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