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A False Hope?

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If an ex truly wants to get back with you, they would apologise about the initial breakup, right? And would it ever be the same again - i mean would the chemistry be there still or is it different?

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My ex who "wants me back" now did appologize..ALOT!! We've been hanging out almost nonstop since. She asked that "I stop talking to the other girls I was seeing and give 100% to her. She wanted to prove that it's me she wants to be with." I just recently honored this request.. The other guy still texts/calls her about every 3 days or so. She shows me the texts and voicemails.. Is the chemistry still there with us? YES! Is the trust? NO...not yet and i'm not sure I can give myself up as a whole to just be burned again.. So with me. I'm not sure it can ever be the same, as I will never be the same after what she's put me through these past 4.5 months.

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My ex also "wants me back" but for me everything is completely different! The way I feel about him has changed, I don't feel that he's as sincere about being sorry about the break up as he should be and do I trust him? F*** NO! He says a lot of the right things but once someone betrays you, you build up your guard and it becomes very difficult to let that person back in.

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I agree to a certain extent with what the other two had to say about this. I, also, just got back with my ex. He broke up with me, and he came back to me. He put me through a lot. But he apologized until no end. It's hard for me to feel as if things will go back to the way they were, the chemistry is still there... even through all the crap that he put me through, I still love him, but as both of the others said... the trust is a hard one to get back.


Even though at this point it's hard to see, I do believe, that the trust will come back with time. They need to prove themselves worthy again. The wall is up, and it's higher than it was last time, but it can be climbed. It'll take a lot of effort on his part, but if he is really dedicated to me the way he says he is, then he will make it.

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I think the ex should apologise for the breakup, explain why it happened and demonstrate that they've changed, otherwise they don't deserve a second chance. Then there might be a chance of regaining the original chemistry. If there's no apology and nothing has changed in the relationship, there will be no trust or security, and the original chemistry will be long gone.

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When we broke up first time... I had a lot of trust issues, I loved him, but it wasn;t the same, I didn't look at him the same way, didn't have that strong connection, didn't trust him... But he wanted to make it work, so he tried a lot and from the effort from both sides it is possible ;) Just the start was really cray, I didn't trust him so much that I was checking his computer, mobile phone, he quited clubbing, i always mentioned previous things he did which used to lead to arguements. It take alot of hard work and dedication... Though I must say it's never THE SAME.

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