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Questions for true survivors

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Time has taught me that yesterday is gone and all I can do is learn from it. Time has taught me that it isn't guaranteed to any of us, so always look forward not backwards. Time has taught me that it never waits for you to get better, you have to get better as it moves along (i.e.) don't stop moving forward. And as cliche' as it sounds, time is a healer. Yes, it does get better.

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Time has taught me that the next time I get knocked on my @ss, I'm just going to get right back up again.


And to always, always, ALWAYS trust my gut, every time... even if it seems crazy to everyone else around me.


And that's about it. The rest is still clear as mud. :laugh:

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The only person living my life is me. Other people may have their opinions, but those opinions don't really matter because they aren't me. What another person thinks of me or the choices I make doesn't really mean anything in my life.


I can always get back up as long as I want to get back up. I don't need someone to come pick me up. I can be kept down only as long as I am willing to be kept down. If I don't get up, it's on me, not anyone else.


Everyone messes up. One screw-up does not define my (or anyone's) life.


If I want to be forgiven I need to be able to forgive. But, I don't have to forgive anyone, and they don't have to forgive me either. If they don't forgive me, it doesn't mean that I am a bad person, and if I can't forgive them it doesn't mean they are either.

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That forgiveness is for me- not for the other person. The person who hurt you is not worried about your feelings- they are off living their lives- and you're the one carrying the hurt. So forgiveness is for your sake- not the sake of the other person.


I also had to let arrogance go "How dare they do this to ME?" kind of thing.

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Time has taught me that you not only can survive but you can move onwards and excel. Survival is only the first baby step. :)

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Being betrayed by one's spouse is one of the most devastating things the average person is likely to face in their lives. It combines not only the grief of loss, but also the sense of horrible injustice dealt by the person who'd sworn to be faithful.


So, that being the case, I've learned that if I can handle that without becoming insane or doing myself in, I can handle pretty much anything else life is likely to throw at me.


I'm a far stronger person than I'd previously believed I was.

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Time has taught me that staying with an unfaithful person out of fear is irrational. I feared being alone, I feared being stigmatized as a failure, I feared losing my friends and family, I feared losing half my money.


The only one of those that happened was the money!


I'm happier now, more confident, closer to my family and NOT alone.


It took a long time to realize all that so be patient...I thought the light at the end of the tunnel was an oncoming train but it wasn't. It was life 2.0 offering me a second chance at happiness.

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Time has taught me that I can depend on me. I have been, and will always be my own best friend, and will always look after my best interests.


I know that I will have others in my life and will love them with all my heart. But in a crisis, when things are tough, I'm glad to have me on my side.

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I wouldn't say "time" has taught me anything; it's what I've done during that time that has.


The big advantage time has provided me is just the sheer distance from the situation. After two years away from anything your memories fade, feelings (both positive and negative) diminish and the event just doesn't affect you the way the it used to.

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....that life, people, society is as it was in high school...


nothing has changed..except the number of candles on my bday cake!

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What has time taught 'Ol Lakey? The first thing I've learned is that you are alive, with possibilities until you aren't alive. At 22 I got blowed up, no more dunking basketballs. I put my training to use and learned to "adapt, improvise, and overcome" difficulties. There were still other things I could do (including physical things). Raising 2 kids for twenty odd years taught me that anything is possible.


Divorce after 25 years taught me lots of new things, although some of it took some time to learn.


Sick six years ago, almost croaking, fever induced heart attacks (in the hospital!) brought me back to where is was as a young adult. Figuring out what I could still do. Not as much as before, but enough to be productive.


Moving to my home by the Lake..... phew.. that taught me lots as well. And frankly Tony was right to lock that thread after 18 months, I have no desire to redux it.


In parting, I've learned that as long as there is life... and hope, it's worth continuing the journey.

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