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cheating with my sister

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I am very confused on what to do. I just found out that my boyfriend of two and a half years cheated on my with my older sister. He is 21, she is 25 and I am 18. It happened almost nine months ago and they have been keeping it from me. I know this is incredibly stupid but is there any way we could work it out. I love him with all my heart and we were talking about getting very serious and maybe even moving in together. But I just don't know if I can forgive him. I know I will never forget it, what should I do?

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You can't trust your boyfriend...you can't trust your sister. eeeewwwwwwwww


Assuming you have absolutely confirmed that this event took place, confront your boyfriend and then dump his butt. You simply cannot have a relationship with such a low-class slime bag that would cheat on you with someone that close to you.


I personally am strong enough to disown my brother and write him out of my life if he did this to me but you are young and probably not capable of this for strategic and other reasons. But you have to let your sister know you don't appreciate what she did and it better never happen again with any other guy.


You have got a real problem with your sister. If the guys you pick are so low class and scummy that they would succumb to your sister's initiatives, you need to do a whole lot better job of picking.


If you stay with the guy you're with now, you have majorly big big problems. If he'll cheat on you with someone so close to you (in the scheme of things) as your sister, he would freely and without any conscience whatsoever cheat on you with other ladies in your geographical area and have no second thoughts about it. He probably has already. He has no morals, no principles and certainly no caring or consideration whatsoever for your feelings.


Clear these sleezebags from your life completely, take a cold shower, and start attracting some decent people into your life. There are guys out there who do have ethics and if you demand that they stick to them, I promise they will.


Again, be sure all this really happened. It is outrageous. If a girlfriend of mine cheated on me with my brother, they would both be out of my life....LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!


Oh, yes...your question. Is there any way you can work it out? If you find someone who has ethics, morals, decency, principals, consideration, honesty, faithfulness, etc. and that person is killed in an accident, you could have that person's brain transplanted into your boyfriend's (If they do those things yet). Otherwise, THERE AIN'T NO WAY!!!

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Dump the jerk. You can never trust him EVER. This is akin to incest, in an emotional sense.


As for your sister...poisonous family relationships, disfunctional siblings...hang in there.

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This is not the guy for you!!!!!!


I know guys have a way of making it seem like they can change and that they are the only one out there that can understand you but that is all BS. They say that to every girl.


Actions speak louder than words!!!!!


His actions are telling you that he does not respect you, value your feelings or care about you on any level, no matter what he is telling you.


Your actions, by taking him back, are telling him that he can always con his way back into your heart no matter how much he hurts you.


Hold on to your dignity!!!!


There are lots of guys out there but only one you, remember that. Dont compromise yourself,and your standards for a guy like this. I would completely stop talking to your sister for a while also. She should know she has crossed a line and must earn a place in your life.


Good luck!

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I just wanted to send my gratitudes out to those who resoponded to my problem. Hopefully I find the courage and strength to do what I know in my heart is the right thing.

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Dump the jerk and while you're at it.. punch your sister too.... No seriously you need to get rid of that man and have a long talk with your sister. I can't believe that she would do something like that to you. If that were me I wouldn't be able to speak to either of them for a very long time.... You are young and there are plenty of available men out there at your age.. just go and and life your life....!

I am very confused on what to do. I just found out that my boyfriend of two and a half years cheated on my with my older sister. He is 21, she is 25 and I am 18. It happened almost nine months ago and they have been keeping it from me. I know this is incredibly stupid but is there any way we could work it out. I love him with all my heart and we were talking about getting very serious and maybe even moving in together. But I just don't know if I can forgive him. I know I will never forget it, what should I do?
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