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To Tony Re: Your Plea...

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Hello Tony, Ajay here. One of these days I'm going to have the time to write to you (today not being the day however) Happy Memorial Day by the way.


I do not think your answers harsh or you bitter. I often suggest others post to you; you seem to take the time to respond with -- often good info, sometimes succint, sometimes on and on... sometimes attitude is present. None of this matters really, because we are all here to ask, give, receive, and (hopefully) learn from each other.


I read your URGENT PLEA and again have to ask "Why did you post your fictitious persons on the Internet as you described previously?" I understand you were conducting an experiment of sorts but -- weren't you infact misleading others with your fictional characters -- just to see what kind of response you would get? I'm sure you have an explanation, but after reading your "plea" I just had to bring this up.


There is so much more to this and so much more I would like to go over with you -- someday -- but, alas, I have to get dinner in the oven and set the blackberry cobbler on the 'sill to cool. Always so much to do...


Later, Ajay

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You write:


I read your URGENT PLEA and again have to ask "Why did you post your fictitious persons on the Internet as you described previously?" I understand you were conducting an experiment of sorts but -- weren't you infact misleading others with your fictional characters -- just to see what kind of response you would get? I'm sure you have an explanation, but after reading your "plea" I just had to bring this up.




I don't know what you mean here. I don't know what you mean by fictitious persons. Please explain. I mean I haven't the most remote notion of what you mean here. What fictional characters are you talking about??? Im really in the dark. Enjoy your cobbler!!! And Happy Memorial Day to you as well!!!

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Hi again Tony: I am referring to a post you made on 05/23 "This Brings Up an Interesting Point" in which you described an experiment of sorts where you "created" on-screen names (doctor, actor, sexy chick), whatever, of 'fictitious persons' to see what kind of responses you would get. (This was in response to someone who had been duped by an unknown caller saying he was a surgeon -- she had even gone so far as to meet with the guy -- then couldn't understand why he "disappeared".) I posted a response to you at that time "Why Bother?" I could be mistaken, maybe this wasn't even you...Anyway, if you're illuminated by this brief explanation, please respond. If not, please respond anyway...Ajay


Memorial Day was GREAT!!! Hope you had fun too!



I don't know what you mean here. I don't know what you mean by fictitious persons. Please explain. I mean I haven't the most remote notion of what you mean here. What fictional characters are you talking about??? Im really in the dark. Enjoy your cobbler!!! And Happy Memorial Day to you as well!!!

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Yes, I was absolutely and intentionally misleading those involved in my experiment. I used the internationally accepted steps for scientific testing. That is the nature of experimentation.


My hypothesis: That men on America Online would more readilly respond to someone whose profile was sexually suggestive, painted that person as very attractive, but whose information consisted of completely false and misleading information. In other words, my hypothesis, or untested theory, was that people (on and off the Internet) would respond more readily to exaggerated lies than to run-of-the-mill truth.


The Result: In less than two minutes of having a totally exaggerated and untruthful profile posted and upon entering a chatroom, I have close to 30 instant messaages from different people...and I assumed most of them were men...maybe some lesbians...no way of knowing.


The experiment terminated after two minutes.


I did not answer the Instant Messages. Many of them requested cybersex, many of them asked for a date, etc.


Human beings can exhibit repulsive behavior when not in a controlled or legally sanctioned environment.


I bothered to do this because it was at a time when my sister was being stalked by someone online. We have reviewed a number of websites regarding stalking...and one suggested such an experiment.


Otherwise, I have never endeavored to mislead anyone in any way over the Internet. But I do think experimentation from time to time is very enlightening to me, who at one time was extremely naive.

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Tony: I completely understand the nature of experimentation and am more than familiar with the accepted steps for doing so. I even understand why you did so and was glad you shared your findings. However, your URGENT PLEA posted 05/28 has a P.S. you wrote regarding misleading others (and the consequences of doing so) and yet here you write:

" Yes, I was absolutely and intentionally misleading those involved in my experiment."

I suppose there really were no consequences for you to deal with post-experiment (or were there? let down by humanity? I think not since you already knew what the results would be), but what about the people you misled? Does it matter that someone out there thought they had found a good thing and wanted more; or should we just say "oh well to what they thought if all they were interested in was some doctor/actor/hottie type anyway?


The reason this caught my attention in the first place is because I have followed this forum for a while now and look forward to reading the responses of others. I have learned a lot and often feel reassured after reading others' comments. Your comments are insightful, interesting, and direct -- very commendable. I just wondered why someone so adamant about NOT deceiving others would do so intentionally. I must have missed something...Ajay


P.S. I re-read your response, I guess the answers are here

"Otherwise, I have never endeavored to mislead anyone in any way over the Internet. But I do think experimentation from time to time is very enlightening to me, who at one time was extremely naive."

Thank you for your time...

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I am truly sorry that my experimentation has disappointed you. However, I was enlightened, consider myself a better person as a result, and am confident that a two minute encounter on America Online in which I did not exchange messages did not have any adverse affects or cause anyone online to be hurt in any way.

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Don't be sorry; it takes a lot more than that to disappoint me... As I wrote previously, after re-reading your response I saw what I had missed earlier -- the fact that you did not endeaver to mislead, you got your results, and that was that. I get it... and I agree, consequences were nil.

I am truly sorry that my experimentation has disappointed you. However, I was enlightened, consider myself a better person as a result, and am confident that a two minute encounter on America Online in which I did not exchange messages did not have any adverse affects or cause anyone online to be hurt in any way.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I bothered to do this because it was at a time when my sister was being stalked by someone online. We have reviewed a number of websites regarding stalking...and one suggested such an experiment.



Hopefully all is resolved by now and your sister is okay. If not, try seeking info. through Reader's Digest on an internet organization that offers protection and free help to identify the cyber-stalker. I can't remember the name but the volunteers operate as "??something?? Angels".


"Cyber Angels," perhaps. I read about them 3-4 months ago.

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Tony, Hopefully all is resolved by now and your sister is okay. If not, try seeking info. through Reader's Digest on an internet organization that offers protection and free help to identify the cyber-stalker. I can't remember the name but the volunteers operate as "??something?? Angels".


"Cyber Angels," perhaps. I read about them 3-4 months ago.

Taressa (and Tony),


The CyberAngels continue to operate and a link to their site may be found in LoveShack.org Links under the Internet and Computing category. Hope this helps!


Best wishes,



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