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Why can I not find a descent, caring, loving woman..


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Well, I'll get ya back for that, missy. Just when you least expect it. hahahahahahahahaha;)


Back to our regularly scheduled program...


Sorry for the thread jacking!

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Ok, I'm going back to the original subject here; sorry porn fans.




Based on what you've said, here is what I would suggest. It seems like you need to work on yourself a little bit first, and this is a good thing. We need to get you to feel comfortable being alone. Now, I wouldn't suggest going all out right away, but take baby steps. You might try going to a coffee shop and just reading the paper one weekend. Or maybe force yourself to go to a movie by yourself (this is not to meet people, but just to get you comfortable with the idea that you are great alone). I can completely relate to you. Several years ago I wouldn't have dared do anything of this sort by myself--I was shy and I thought I seemed lame. Then, I decided I wanted to change. It was REALLY hard at first. I would have panic attacks. But then it just clicked, and one day I realized I liked myself and my thoughts.


Once you feel more confident being alone, you will start to give off a different vibe. Women tend to like guys to be somewhat confident. I myself like confident, but not cocky, guys--a man who could sit in a cafe by himself or eat out alone. When you are happy being alone, this new vibe will become apparent. I swear. You will feel like you can approach people more, you'll be out more, you'll smile more. All this is good!


Another suggestion: maybe take a class? What about a language class? There is nothing sexier than learning to speak a language with a cute guy like yourself.


I really feel for you JPrez. If I can help you out any more, let me know.

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I asked earlier about MeetUp, and also about it being odd that the wives of your married friends don't try to to match you up. In general, women love to match-make, and I guarantee that they have some single friends that they could have you meet in a casual setting.


Have you looked at the MeetUp site?

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