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i hate cleaning my house

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anyone know what I'm going through?


I have been living in a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house all by myself for about four months. One of my brothers and I used to live together for about a year but he didn't really clean up the clutter and the junk that accumulated from whenever we all first moved in.


I'm going to be having some guests in the next month or so, and I have been trying to clean up for real. It seems like no matter how many boxes of crap I take to the trash or to recycling, there's always more! I'm trying so hard to make this house look normal.


Our dad has been giving me crap about the living room and kitchen. but I've been working 7 days a week for the past three months, so I don't have much time to clean except basically pick up after myself, not the in-depth kind of stuff like mopping and cleaning window screens ... however, one thing I could agree with was about the guest bathroom" ... I had been leaving the shower alone and cleaning the floor, toilet and sink, but then I opened the shower door and realized that it really was pretty nasty. I just don't understand how it got that way since I have never used that shower! the whole house, really- how did it get this way?!


that's why I ask, anyone understand this problem? and what did you do about it?

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If you're like me, you don't notice the place getting messy because you're not actually looking at it - your eyes fall on it but you're thinking of other things or doing other things. I signed up for http://www.flylady.net

It helps you establish routines so you just end up cleaning by rote - stuff gets done and you almost don't even notice it. The group's now got 200,000 members. It's a good little system even if you don't follow it faithfully every day.

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OMG thank you! this FlyLady person is really sharp! I have to look at the site in more detail but so far it makes way too much sense for me to not be able to follow the rules!



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One thing always to remember when cleaning....ALWAYS let the products do the work for you. Spray down the surface with cleaner...let it soak..then wipe it down. Get rid of knic-knacs that have no sentimental value...they are dust collectors. There's a show on TLC called Cleansweep, I've picked up alot of great cleaning and decorating ideas from it.

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Thank you Moimeme! I love FlyNet! My biggest problem is inertia. I have trouble getting motivated to start & then feel overwhelmed. This is a perfect site for me - I know a lot of this stuff I just need help getting motivated and assurances that I don't have to do it all at once!


And all I have to do to get started is to walk back to the bedroom and kick my shoes off there and put them on the rack instead of kicking them off in the foyer and nudging them under the table! :):):) I mean, I know that -- but sometimes I just forget! I now have pop-up reminders on my work calendar to keep it fresh in my mind, and I'll have pop-up motivators on my home calendar! :)



I love this website!

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I think once I get through the most overwhelming part, of throwing away huge amounts of stuff, scrubbing a lot and reorganizing, it will be OK. meantime, thanks again for that Flylady site. i found a lot of good tips. I like the 15 minute idea.

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