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I dont like big cock loving women. Period.

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I once dated a woman for about 6 months who was Obsessed (yes Obsessed) with penis size. Many times, it was almost all she would talk about.

She told me I was "well hung". I explained to her, quite simply, that no, I was average (being 6"x5"). She said "Oh, well then alot of men have lied to me."


I began to worry about this - which is such a stupid thing to worry about.


I have had compliments before, from several women, about my "tool"


However, I have now come to the realization that I dont like my now EX

(yes after feeling bad about endowement for roughly 2 weeks I dumped her sorry ass)


After feeling bad about myself, and trying to live upto this sorry assed excuse of a woman, I will simply shoot out this broad sweeping statement:


I dont like big cock loving women. Period.

My observations lead me to this conclusion

big cock loving women are:





-**** in bed




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She tells you you're well hung and you dump her? And then you use her to base your analysis of a group of women and hate them?


Yeah. That makes sense. :rolleyes:

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Wow, a bitter one aren't we? Is it fair to make these ASSumptions after your experience with ONE woman?


Also, the term "BIG" is relative. 5 inches is big to some, to others it isn't. Anyway, thanks for your revelation. It was quite enlightening. Ever thought about going on TV with your theory?


PS-- Your lack of self esteem comes from within you. You let her comments disturb you when other men would have been complimented and felt good about her comments. Now, that's something to ponder...

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I dumped her because I came to the realization that she

was trying to trick herself into thinking that I WAS well hung

because she liked my personality.


You know what, **** it. You take the whole package, or you

take nothing. And I have the right to enforce that.


I dont stress importance of physical features on women, and

I have every right to NOT date women who stress these things

on me.


Its my right.

As far as my generalizations go, yes, your right that I cannot

make sweeping statements.

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Or I wouldnt be posting my comments on the love shack forum hehe..

but I wanted to get other peoples inputs, specifically men, if they have

experienced the same feelings towards women who are like this.


Im sorry, but I just find them gross now.

They are the equivalent of a steak eating, car fixing, pin-up big breasted swimsuit

issue beside your wifes bed type of guy.


To some people I suppose that is fine. To me, well, its gross.

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I dumped her because I came to the realization that she

was trying to trick herself into thinking that I WAS well hung

because she liked my personality.






You are, I'm afraid, pretty scrambled in the thinking department. Girl likes you even though you are not Mr. Massively Huge. Decides she wants to be with you anyway. Probably tries REAL HARD to praise you on your mini-yogi so you'll feel all manly. AND YOU DUMP HER FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You take the whole package


SHE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLUS made an effort to make you feel good about yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Do you know how many men would LOVE to have a woman like that?

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Yes, there are woman out there like that just like men. They are good people to stay away from if they aren't going to like you for YOU. Shallowness doesn't discriminate between sexes. There are just as many scummy women out there as there are men.


Don't let that frustrate you though. There are plenty of good ones still left. It is just a matter of finding her. Don't let his experience jade you. If anything, your ex has helped you identify that type of person so you know to stay away from that type in the future. It's all about learning, growing and finding the right mate. Good luck to you!

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If you want an honest, caring, considerate man to stay with you, here are

a couple of hinters:


1. Dont try to flatter him on things he obviously doesnt have.

Its too obvious. We men are actually not quite that stupid, we CAN

tell the difference.

-Instead, try flattering him on things he DOES have.


2. Why dont you try putting your focus on the actual process

of love making rather than thinking about how big, or how small

the guy/girl is. If size is your thing, and you need it. Well go and get

THAT. Dont try to pretend we're something we're not.


As far as I am conserned, I have liberated this girl so she

is able to find her "big" penis.


The point of this thread is that men with small penises are NOT

the only ones out there being DUMPED over the size issue. No

woman with small or average sized breasts should have to

listen to a man talk about how he LOVES big breats, likewise

the same is true.

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Holy crap, dude.


You have NO idea what you're doing. How old are you?


Good God. I'm stunned.


Maybe she's only been with smaller sized dudes? You overreacted big time, if you're even telling the truth at all. This makes absolutely NO sense to me.


If I met a chick and she said I was well hung and the biggest she's been with, and I loved this chick, I'd never let her go.

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wait a minute here? is this forum about girls who like fat roosters or does someone have a big/small penis????? :confused:

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actually no.

she talked about her other 2 ex boyfriends and thier 9" cocks


and then proceeded to tell me "You are hung"


This girl basically has no class. I get the feeling from her now that she

really just has a serious self esteem issue, more serious than me.

So serious infact that she has to try to make me feel like **** by

talking about how "she loves big dicks"


Obviously knowing whole heartedly that I am average at best.


This girl has lost something more important than she will know,

and yes, I did break her heart.


Next time, she wont be as immature as to constantly discuss

her Ex boyfriends penis sizes in front of the man she loves.


Im going to also say that on retrospect, this girl was really REALLY annoying.

She CONSTANTLY played little games like this.


I know she misses me like hell and feels like total **** now. Sucks that life is hard.

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Originally posted by lostforwords

wait a minute here? is this forum about girls who like fat roosters or does someone have a big/small penis????? :confused:

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ohhhhhhh you have a fat rooster? lmao just kiddin dood im trying to lighten things up for ya lol

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you have a fat rooster?


Thanks for the humour. Size is a very serious issue for alot of men. And women. The topic could use some humour.


I am 25, she is 24. We work in the same building.


I guess what Im really getting at with all this, is that -- it bothered me tremendously. As a consequence, she bothered me tremendously. Once again, it seems, that big penises have caused her some more "pain" ;)


At first, my initial reaction was fear and insecurity. I surfed the net, (BAD IDEA) found sites like "http://www.penissizedebate.com". These things made my anxiety worse. I even ACTUALLY tried one of those "penis enlargment programs" (which of course dont work hehe.. ) I went as far as looking at surgery. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?


After 2 weeks of "penis envy" I came to the root of the problem. Her. I am fully confident in myself, I have a great job (TONS of cash), I am good looking, I have a very nice body, very good in bed. Why should I be made to feel like a loser because of a few inchs?


I think she needed to make me feel bad because I was making quadruple her salary - was very good in bed, and have alot in my life going for me.


Instead, I decided in the end, that I would simply take my overflowing wallet, condo in yorkville, average sized willy and find myself someone else, who wasnt as fixated on the importance of size.


Now you have the whole story.

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:confused: so did she make you feel like this cuz you think she wasnt being honest with you and perhaps tried to make you feel better by lying to you about your average sized tool? or am i missing something..... did she "fake" it in bed? and you knowing that your average, know you couldnt have made her feel like it was great sex....... help me here cuz im missing something.....


the reason im curious is because i have known a guy for a few years who constantly bragged to me how we should get together and gave me the impression he was MORE than adequate etc.... etc..... when penis size means absolutely NOTHING to me and when i finally did give in it all of a sudden actually did matter to me afterwards..... i think because of how someone would insist i would be satisfied with him........ and when it came right down to it... i think he felt embarrassed he wasnt as "adequate" down there. I never gave him any impressions to think otherwise either...... and i certainly didnt say wow baby your HUNG... i dont think theres a need to lie about it.

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did she "fake" it in bed? and you knowing that your average


I guess there is simply no way a man can possibly be good in bed unless he is hung? Is that what you are saing?

Average doesnt cut it ?


I have had 40 partners. I have learned alot about sex. Maybe I've been faked to by every woman, all my life. (I have certainly NOT been able to bring EVERY woman to orgasm (and not EVERY woman has had/acted as if she was having orgasms))

It is definitly possible.

But unlikely.

I dont brag about being good in bed. I dont say "I am the best lover"


I am good in bed. Why is that so complicated.

she just talked about how much she liked big dicks too much

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OH GOD NO... thats not at all what i was implying.... im sorry if you took it that way..... "did she "fake" it in bed? and you knowing that your average, know you couldnt have made her feel like it was great sex....... help me here cuz im missing something..... "


what i was trying to get at was..... just because your average does NOT mean your not good in bed..... what i was trying to say was did you catch her faking it..... thats why i said i was missing something..... i was going to say size DOESNT really mean anything.... thats also why i tried using my example to try and understand it.... see he would always go off (no pun intended) on how great he was and it was more than average.... (his tool that is) and it never mattered to me anywasy about a guys penis size UNTIL after woards when i realized he lied to me the entire time.... then all of a sudden it DID matter..... simply because of the lie more than anything..... not actually because he lied about the size...... god im probably digging a bigger hole for myself as well.... sorry if you mistook it that way i did not mean to imply what you said.... again sorry (ok ill stop now)

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ehehe dont worry, I just didnt totally understand what you were asking me.

I cant always come to orgasm either, and i dont "blame it on the girl"

I dont sum it upto, "she wasnt good enough to make me cum" I just think

forwhatever reason, I couldnt get myself to climax.


Anyways, sure - if he lied, well - he lied. No she never faked it. She just would

gawk about penises and it made me feel insecure about it.


But if he lied to you, well - it shows hes got some issues. If I was "small" down there

I would definitly say something more along the lines of "Im good in bed.." not

"I have a big cock" - If hes trying to impress you with that, its because he thinks

you care about it.



Obviously you dont, and it looks like he shot himself in the foot with that one.

btw, ur not in a hole.

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you ever have that feeling of talking with a mouthful full of marbles.....????? well thats what happened.... so im glad you didnt take it the wrong way. whew..... ok lol


and yeh he did shoot himself in the foot which is why i think, he made it very awkward for me with him..... so none the less...


have a good day!!

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I am so confused. She tells you that you are big, and you feel bad about it? My guy is technically average, but to me he is big, because I am small. It was classless to talk about her ex's members, but that doesn't mean she thought less of you.

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Yep, I agree ..she shouldn't have talked about her exes...but she probably was really happy with you, and trying to make you feel good. I agree with those who have said you seem to be overreacting here.

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