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1 month today....


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Ugh...Its been 1 month today since the breakup that I thought would be the end of me...Im still standing...Still Breathing...Still walking tall...Still hurting, but trying to move forward...


I'll admit I am very scared of the future...The unknown just sucks...But I have to keep trying to put a positive spin on this or else its going to continue to get the best of me...


It happened...For whatever reason...I cannot change a thing...Anything I say will mean nothing...NC is the only thing I can do...


I have found plenty of inspirational quotes to help me move forward...


“Sometimes in order to not fall apart, you have to let go of what keeps you together.”


"God takes men into deep water not to drown them, but to clense them"

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Congrats on holding up for one month, and I like those quotes. Keep it up. I'm a little over 2 months and I'm trying my best every day.

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