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i think u were wrong...


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Well, she just appoligized to me, said that shes sooo sorry for saying it to me and that she does need me but u know what? know matter how much i need her back and how muhc ilove her she cna kiss my ass ofronce, I told her that she has to stop playin with myheart and to stop being so stubborn and selfish and so immature and that if she wont stop changing her mind and if she wont keep one desicion then ##### it, i dont want her back anymore, and thats how i left it. o i guess u were wrong in a way, and yet u were also rght, it hurts ike a bitch but i feel better now, thank you.

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I have also been in your situation, and I hated it, and hated myself for caring so much. This forum also helped me out alot, being it getting verbally hit over the head by Tony when i really needed it (Thanks Tony!!) or just hearing the opinions of other women. This girl is quite obviously confused, and it really seems to me like she's playing with your head! Its gone way to far to ever go back to the way you want things to be. Your only solution here is to cut all contact with her, and move on. If she comes back to you, you can rest assured she'll probably end up doing the same thing to you again, and you will once again begin to feel as you do now. On a brighter note however, as the minutes which are going to feel like hours go by, and the days which feel like weeks, you will slowly start to feel better, and find yourself thinking of her a little less each day, untill one day when you look back and see the relationship for what it really was with a clear, unbiased view.


No one was wrong in what they told you, she is just confused, and she does not want you to feel bad even though she really wants it over, so she tells you things that you want to hear. Begging may buy you another chance, but keep in mind, its not really what she wants.


What is all this crap I am reading about her wanting to get other guys phone numbers? C'mon man.. thats just not normal in a 'normal' relationship.


Anyways, those are just my thoughts, take them however you like. And good luck!


Well, she just appoligized to me, said that shes sooo sorry for saying it to me and that she does need me but u know what? know matter how much i need her back and how muhc ilove her she cna kiss my ass ofronce, I told her that she has to stop playin with myheart and to stop being so stubborn and selfish and so immature and that if she wont stop changing her mind and if she wont keep one desicion then ##### it, i dont want her back anymore, and thats how i left it. o i guess u were wrong in a way, and yet u were also rght, it hurts ike a bitch but i feel better now, thank you.
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