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My long distance relationship starts Friday.

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I don't know quite what to tell you.


From reading your other posts, I don't really get the impression that your BF is head over heels for you, or that he is even really interested in having a committed, monogomous relationship with you while he is off at school. And when a guy isn't willing to talk about that with you, that's sort of another red flag that he doesn't want to go through the questions/possible tears/possible drama part that such a discussion might entail.


I know that you are uber-stressed, and I am sorry for that. But I think if I were you, that I would sort of gird my loins for some days of NC and some prior acceptance that he is going to be going out and possibly dating other women. I would also prepare myself for the "I think we should date other people while we are apart" speech.


Sorry....I know that isn't what you want to hear.



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I just went and read your post on this, and it sounds like he was in the nicest way possible telling you he doesn't want a commitment. He can't promise he won't date others, he is encouraging you to do the same...What's the point of trying to hold onto a relationship that isn't one?


I would just be thankful he was a nice guy about it instead of making promises and then cheating on you when he gets there.


Let this one go, he's not your Mr. Right, but it sounds like he was a very nice Mr. Right Now during the time you had. Tuck him away with your other nice memories and open yourself to the possibilities that will be coming your way :)

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