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Cheating through emails..should i leave?


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My boyfriend has told me his password t o his email, so i can access it if i want..and just this morning i read an email from this other girl that he met not even a week ago on pogo.com(a game site) *Hey waz ^..i got ur email today. I dont mind that u luv me. Hope u dont mind i luv u too. Do u have any pics? Sorry i dont but i would send 1. Well, sorry so short. luv ya, melissa*

He always tells me he since he`s in a relationship, he may joke around and flirt with other girls, but he wouldnt try to date em or anything like that. And now, i`m finding this out. This really hurts me to know this is happening to me. I mean if he`s saying this to every girl, should i believ him when he says it to me? I wanna leave, but i`m afraid to. I`m so lost anymore..

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I wouldn't take everything someone said on an IM too seriously. People have a tendency to use the Baby...Sweetie stuff quite liberally. I'm not sure why he would use the "love" word....but maybe he said it innocently and she took it to mean more. It doesn't sound as though she took it very seriously though. It sounds more like they were just goofing around....which on any IM....is pretty standard.


Does he know you have access to his email?


If he knows.....then it's probably no big deal.


If he doesn't know....monitor it and see if he continues persuing a relationship with "melissa" or any other girl he runs across while online.

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Honestly.... id have to say if he just met her a week ago, and you have his password that HE gave you for his email.... everything is fine! Arabess is right some people take all that baby and sweetie crap too far however... its just words to someone he met a week ago... after all how can someone fall in love with someone he just met a week ago on Pogo and not even know what she looks like etc...... i wouldnt worry too much about it!! And i would also talk to him about using that L word alot..... to me people shouldnt be using that word unless they absolutely mean it in a relationship etc.... that word is used so much now a days , its as common as that other four letter word!!! and really it shouldnt be used so light heartedly!!... let him know it bothers you... dont fall in the failure to communicate trap!!


good luck to ya

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He knows i have access, but he thinks i dont ever get into his email and look through them, cuz i say that i never have a reason to. So, from what he thinks i never look, but i do..so who knows. He may do this and think sice i never look he can get away with it.

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I think you should talk to him about this. This issue is very similar to another one we have a discussion about. And the best advice we gave to her is to talk to him about the issue. He is either very stupid and doesn't think he will get caught, or he wants you to see something that he is doing. In either case, make sure you confront him about it, and get just the facts!


Good luck!

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