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Where are all the good men?


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I am guessing that all the good men in their 30's are married or already involved. I am an attractive lady and have no problems meeting men.. they just seem to be the wrong men! I am a very Indepent, honest loving woman, who loves the outdoors and cooking as well. I just can't figure out what is wrong with men these days!! Can someone help me here???

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Good question.


Men and women in their 30's were, for the most part, raised by a generation characterized by free love, the questioning of authority, protest of an irrational war (Viet Nam), experimentation with all kinds of drugs, debates on whether or not God is Dead or Alive, new academic freedom on college campuses that questions accepted morals, prinicpals, ethics, etc.


That generation had children, who are now in their 30's, and they were given little moral training, taught to do whatever you want as long as no one else suffers, and little attention was given to respect for authority, other people's property, etc. More people that you would want to know are into drugs.


Before I go further, let me say there are exceptions to all these people and those are the ones you have to find. Lots of luck!!!


The beat goes on. Children of today, along with those people in their 30's, care little about the feelings of others as long as their own nneds are met. Men will say or do whatever is necessary to get laid. Men father children and leave the mother. If you want to get an idea of what the bottom of the bottom is, what daytime talk shows. The issues and the people are sickening. I'd rather swim in a cesspool.


Men often don't call a lady after a few dates if the woman doesn't respond to their desires, many times they just don't even show up to pick up the lady for the date. Then they call later without shame. Today's younger women accept all this behavior as business as usual.


Many women do the same things. A great number of women seem to have a very keen agendas which include getting as much out of a man as they possibly can. Classified personals placed by ladies usually contain a laundry list of what they want from a man. I have never once seen an ad where a woman wanted a guy she could love, care for, share with, etc. They simply list what THEY want.


All this behavior is not limited to just personal relationships. So many businesses scam and cheat customers, overcharge, etc. Suppliers overbill, employees steal money, scam artists even advertise products and services ON TELEVISION. Many have gone to jail, including a guy who sold real estate courses and a company that sold "Dream Away" pills that allegedly helped you lose weight while asleep. It has really become a nasty world in a lot of ways.


Even preachers have gone to jail. Rev. Jim Bakker for stealing from his flock. While he was in jail, his wife and TV partner, Tammy Faye, divorced him and married his best friend Roe Mesner. Rev. Jimmy Swaggart was caught twice hiring prostitutes in New Orleans. Rev. Robert Tilton was exposed by ABC's 20/20 for hiring a company that took contribuions from follower's envelopes and threw their prayer requests in a dumpster.


But just as daylight requires nighttime to be appreciated, the world is the way it is so that we can recognize and appreciate the wonderful people that are here.


To wrap this up, people aren't what they used to be. Some young girl put a post here the other day saying it was acutally natural to lie on the Internet. What she didn't say was it seems natural that people lie, cheat, steal, etc. everywhere else in addition to the Internet.


You're just as likely to find a great guy who got put in jail accidentally as you are NOT to find one in a church, who is there because he feels guilty about axing his family and putting them in the deep freeze.


You don't need to know where all the good men are. You only need to meet ONE that you are attracted to, who you can love and be loved in return...with all the common interests, goals and standards thrown in.


It just isn't easy anymore but it can be done. You just have to pay attention.


I'll bet your sorry you ever asked!!!

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Hey magicklady: Do tell me what happened... I had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend (honey wants me to move in, but we're going to wait -- lot's to talk about first).


There are lots and lots of good men out there (so I've been told). You say you love cooking and the outdoors? Big bonus points for you. I hope you get responses galore, maybe the guys can share their thoughts. I am no one to share on this one, I'm notorious for attracting the wrong men... When I finally found one, I fought getting involved for nearly two years, fearing he was yet another bad guy. I too would like to know where all the good men are...

I am guessing that all the good men in their 30's are married or already involved. I am an attractive lady and have no problems meeting men.. they just seem to be the wrong men! I am a very Indepent, honest loving woman, who loves the outdoors and cooking as well. I just can't figure out what is wrong with men these days!! Can someone help me here???
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I have been hangin out with a guy lately whom I have a ton of fun with but,..... he is involved, like you said they are all involved or crazy. I respect the fact that we both restrain ourselves from being more than friends b/c if I were his girlfriend I would want him to do the same for me but it is getting harder and harder. Uggghh. Let me know if you hit the jackpot and find out where they are hangin out...the good single men that is.

I am guessing that all the good men in their 30's are married or already involved. I am an attractive lady and have no problems meeting men.. they just seem to be the wrong men! I am a very Indepent, honest loving woman, who loves the outdoors and cooking as well. I just can't figure out what is wrong with men these days!! Can someone help me here???
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billy the kid

try Texas, just kidding.. don't stop or maybe you should stop looking, he is out there, really some of the best women I have found was when I wasn't looking.

I am guessing that all the good men in their 30's are married or already involved. I am an attractive lady and have no problems meeting men.. they just seem to be the wrong men! I am a very Indepent, honest loving woman, who loves the outdoors and cooking as well. I just can't figure out what is wrong with men these days!! Can someone help me here???
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billy the kid is right -- I suggest you stop looking and he'll probably find you (your nice guy that is, not billy the kid, not that billy isn't a nice guy -- oh just never mind...) Good Luck, Ajay

try Texas, just kidding.. don't stop or maybe you should stop looking, he is out there, really some of the best women I have found was when I wasn't looking.
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No I am not sorry I asked and I think you are right on many of the issues you raised. I was raised by my great-grandmother however and have a different set of values from most of the people my age. All the men I meet fall in love with me on the first date... Because I do care about people and their feelings and I don't lie to people even though the truth hurts sometimes. When I was younger I did and I learned those lessons WELL... I don't understand why people feel that they have to lie.. I have met people off of the internet and sometimes they told me the truth.. most of the time they haven't and I would have been friends with them regardless of what they looked like. People need to get a grip these days and learn that Telling the Truth is not a bad thing. I know that sooner or later I will meet A Good gyu.. but until I do.. I am happy with me.. thanks for the response!

Good question. Men and women in their 30's were, for the most part, raised by a generation characterized by free love, the questioning of authority, protest of an irrational war (Viet Nam), experimentation with all kinds of drugs, debates on whether or not God is Dead or Alive, new academic freedom on college campuses that questions accepted morals, prinicpals, ethics, etc. That generation had children, who are now in their 30's, and they were given little moral training, taught to do whatever you want as long as no one else suffers, and little attention was given to respect for authority, other people's property, etc. More people that you would want to know are into drugs. Before I go further, let me say there are exceptions to all these people and those are the ones you have to find. Lots of luck!!! The beat goes on. Children of today, along with those people in their 30's, care little about the feelings of others as long as their own nneds are met. Men will say or do whatever is necessary to get laid. Men father children and leave the mother. If you want to get an idea of what the bottom of the bottom is, what daytime talk shows. The issues and the people are sickening. I'd rather swim in a cesspool. Men often don't call a lady after a few dates if the woman doesn't respond to their desires, many times they just don't even show up to pick up the lady for the date. Then they call later without shame. Today's younger women accept all this behavior as business as usual. Many women do the same things. A great number of women seem to have a very keen agendas which include getting as much out of a man as they possibly can. Classified personals placed by ladies usually contain a laundry list of what they want from a man. I have never once seen an ad where a woman wanted a guy she could love, care for, share with, etc. They simply list what THEY want. All this behavior is not limited to just personal relationships. So many businesses scam and cheat customers, overcharge, etc. Suppliers overbill, employees steal money, scam artists even advertise products and services ON TELEVISION. Many have gone to jail, including a guy who sold real estate courses and a company that sold "Dream Away" pills that allegedly helped you lose weight while asleep. It has really become a nasty world in a lot of ways. Even preachers have gone to jail. Rev. Jim Bakker for stealing from his flock. While he was in jail, his wife and TV partner, Tammy Faye, divorced him and married his best friend Roe Mesner. Rev. Jimmy Swaggart was caught twice hiring prostitutes in New Orleans. Rev. Robert Tilton was exposed by ABC's 20/20 for hiring a company that took contribuions from follower's envelopes and threw their prayer requests in a dumpster. But just as daylight requires nighttime to be appreciated, the world is the way it is so that we can recognize and appreciate the wonderful people that are here. To wrap this up, people aren't what they used to be. Some young girl put a post here the other day saying it was acutally natural to lie on the Internet. What she didn't say was it seems natural that people lie, cheat, steal, etc. everywhere else in addition to the Internet. You're just as likely to find a great guy who got put in jail accidentally as you are NOT to find one in a church, who is there because he feels guilty about axing his family and putting them in the deep freeze. You don't need to know where all the good men are. You only need to meet ONE that you are attracted to, who you can love and be loved in return...with all the common interests, goals and standards thrown in. It just isn't easy anymore but it can be done. You just have to pay attention. I'll bet your sorry you ever asked!!!
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Re: Elusive but there...

Oh he never even showed up this weekend.. THE JERK I went by myself and had a really good time. We talked last night and he has told me that he doesn't know what he wants from life anymore and I told him that it wasn't going to be me... I am really glad you had a good weekend... I am just picking up the pieces of my heart and moving on ... I think I will spend the summer hanging out with friends... that is the safest bet anyway.. would love it if you were to stay one of my friends. I appreciate all the advice and your listening ear!

Hey magicklady: Do tell me what happened... I had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend (honey wants me to move in, but we're going to wait -- lot's to talk about first). There are lots and lots of good men out there (so I've been told). You say you love cooking and the outdoors? Big bonus points for you. I hope you get responses galore, maybe the guys can share their thoughts. I am no one to share on this one, I'm notorious for attracting the wrong men... When I finally found one, I fought getting involved for nearly two years, fearing he was yet another bad guy. I too would like to know where all the good men are...
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Re: Elusive but there...

LOL I will be glad to if I ever find them! Smile

I have been hangin out with a guy lately whom I have a ton of fun with but,..... he is involved, like you said they are all involved or crazy. I respect the fact that we both restrain ourselves from being more than friends b/c if I were his girlfriend I would want him to do the same for me but it is getting harder and harder. Uggghh. Let me know if you hit the jackpot and find out where they are hangin out...the good single men that is.
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Honestly I am not looking.. I am just meaning in general. I am happy being alone. I have found a few good ones like that myself.... but the pickings are getting slimmer if you know what I mean.. SMILE

try Texas, just kidding.. don't stop or maybe you should stop looking, he is out there, really some of the best women I have found was when I wasn't looking.
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billy the kid is right -- I suggest you stop looking and he'll probably find you (your nice guy that is, not billy the kid, not that billy isn't a nice guy -- oh just never mind...) Good Luck, Ajay
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Where is the JERK? I'd love to kick his jerk-butt...


I don't know where the good guys are but he isn't one of them, so just forget that butt-head. I'll be pissed off at him for you so you can expend your energy on something more useful than wasting it on him. I had hoped things would work out for you two but, if that's how he's going to treat you, he can take a hike!


I know there are nice guys out there; it took me over 40 years to find one, but I did and me and my honey are doing great. We're trying to decide when I should move in. (I know you probably don't want to hear all the happy-crappy we're so in love stuff right now, but it's true...) Things are so wonderful for me now -- YAY!!!


Here's what I want you to do -- Forget the jerk, have fun with your friends this summer, and keep in touch with me okay? <e-mail address removed>

Oh he never even showed up this weekend.. THE JERK I went by myself and had a really good time. We talked last night and he has told me that he doesn't know what he wants from life anymore and I told him that it wasn't going to be me... I am really glad you had a good weekend... I am just picking up the pieces of my heart and moving on ... I think I will spend the summer hanging out with friends... that is the safest bet anyway.. would love it if you were to stay one of my friends. I appreciate all the advice and your listening ear!
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