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can't he kiss me without heading for my zipper?

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I am in a very fulfilling relationship; my only quam is that i wish my bf would spend more time kissing me. sure, we kiss to greet each other and say goodbye and of course when we are preparing ourselves for the deed. but i miss making out to just make out, not for the sex but for the kissing. there are times when i am just not wanting to go any further than kissing and holding, but he always ends up trying to take the kissing to the bedroom. it is starting to frustrate me. i don't want to take it out on him and i have thought about trying to tell him how i feel.. but i don't want to insult him. any ideas? thanks.

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There are ways to tell people how you feel without insulting them. Tell him you love kissing him and you miss doing it and would like to spend more time kissing him. Siimple as that.

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Welcome to the world of dating!!!!


Men seem more focused on sex as the "main event" than women seem to be. They may want to pass all the needed steps to get to Paradise.....but they can't move any faster than we let them.


The power is all yours. Drive him crazy.....make him wait till his head falls back, he breaks out in a cold sweat, and the ear wax is popping out.....THEN.....make him a happy man!!!


HEHEHEHE.....Truthfully, if I were you....I'd be very honest and talk to him about it. If he didn't see it your way....then he doesn't get to play.

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Nonsense. I LOVE making out. Doesn't have to lead anywhere. It's nice when it does, but kissing in and of itself is awesome.


I used to wake up my ex in the middle of the night to make out with her.





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