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What should I do?


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Hey every one, I have known this girl for about three years now and I went out with her twice. When our second relationship ended she asked me to be her buddy, and I said ok. over the summer we really didn't see or talk much, well now were well into the school year and her and I have been talking alot more. We have become sorta close but when She said she didnt like me I lost my confidence with her.


About a week after that she told one of her better freinds that I was hot! her freind then told me and I was surprised.....we started talking(MY X) alot more about more serious stuff and My best freind asked her what she would say if I asked her out, she said I don't know.


I think she likes me alot though because she hangs out with me alotttt more than normal and I have tried to be as nice and sweet to her. but then I heard a rumer about how she really loved one of my younger freinds( 1 year). I heard it was true and gott really pied off and kinda sad.My freinds didnt know what was going on because iam the guy who plays sports and has tons of hobbies.


I'm really bumbed out here and she doesen't say much to me anymore, my freind sad he wouldent go out with her........I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT SHE WANTS!! ... what should i do? should i keep being freinds or should I shoot for something more than that? PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!!!!!

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Are you in high school?


this girl sounds like she could be playing with your emotions.


you could do many things

1. just straight up tell her how you feel and then you will not have wonder about her


2. you could just see how things go, and just wait for her to do something about it,


and let me tell you from experience, I wish that I would have told this guy that I like him years ago, just to know how he felt, and I was too chicken and never did, and now I still wonder what would have happened and maybe if I had told him something would have happened between us, and if it was no then that would be fine as well, because at least I would have known and quit wondering and moved on with my life, because I still regret not saying anything...so please just tell her how you feel..

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Yea I'm a freshman, I did #1 already and all she just hessatates and says I don't know. I keep getting hints that she likes me n' stuff but then i hear that she likes a guy i knew for years, who was my best buddy. I dont know if she wants to make me jelious or to try to give me a hint to leave her alone for awhile.

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well if you have already tried, either try again or just forget about her because she is playing games with yoiu and just trying to mess with your emotions, I know it's hard but try....time heals all wounds...

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