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I was just wondering if a girl and her boyfriend brake up and she still wants to be friends with the guy do any of you guys think it means she is still hopeful that they will get back together?


Curious about what you guys think about that type of situation.

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either she really just wants to be friends :confused:




she is just trying to be nice and say that she wants to be friends, but really doesn't, she just didn't want to hurt your feelings :(


sorry to be blunt, but that is the honest truth ( coming from a girl who has said this before)

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Originally posted by ziggue

I was just wondering if a girl and her boyfriend brake up and she still wants to be friends with the guy do any of you guys think it means she is still hopeful that they will get back together?


Curious about what you guys think about that type of situation.

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Um I'm a girl by the way.


I was taking about one of my friends. Lol.


It looks like her and her ex are together again and if they are I'm happy for them. He seems like a nice guy.

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The TRUTH is, in fact, that females value friendship HIGHLY


thats why you find some that arent willing to move into a relationship and would rather keep their friendship w/a guy cause they dont want to destroy the friendship


but it's not always true that a female wants to stay friends after breaking up....it depends who was the one that broke up, and what type of person she is.


ive got a friend, and she dated this guy for 2 - 4 months?? broke up and theyre still friends.

she calls him up occasionally if she ever needs a lift or whatever to go drinking.

she calls him more times than she ever called me! seriously, my friend is very friendly with him and bugs him, but i think im sure she was teh one that broke it off.


thats how girls are! theyre friendly mammals looking to make friends with many ppl....it's their nature.

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It really depends on the depth of the relationship and how much was emotionally invested. If you were friends before and it was just an intense fling for a few months, then friends afterwards really means friends. I have no problem with that at all and never expect anything more but a friendship. You obviously got a long before and the boundaries just blurred for a while. The flip side is longer relationships. I never understand my guy friends who remain very close with their ex's after a painful breakup. They still act like they are her bf but get none of the benefits associated with a relationship. In every case, they are hoping something more will return and it never does. They of course will never openly admit it and claim its "just friends", but I can see the pain in their eyes when they are with that person. Quite a self-destructive pattern. It's always best to get over someone first and leave the friendship thing for way down the road, if at all. To directly answer your question, I think a lot of guys foolishly play the friend card in hopes their ex will change their mind.

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